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[Craig POV]

I was taking a few things out my locker. Tweek was waiting for me to walk to class. He was a good person. Addictive, weird, but good. A friend. When I was about to close my locker, a envelope came falling out. I picked it up and read it.

Secret Admirer

"Wonder who it's from."

"Mhm." I replied back. I took out the note and read it in front of Tweek.


Hey Craig. I'm writing to you because I really admire you. I think your a good guy and you're always so charming. Now don't think I'm weird, we have spoken so you know me mentally. I'll give you more notes every morning to give hints on who I am.

By the way, There's a Y in my name.


Me and Tweek just started at each other, but then he had a creepy smile.

"Why would you w-want to know who they are." He spoke sheepishly.

"Well of course I'd want to know the person who likes me." I spoke softly as I pat Tweeks hair. "Let's go, Tweeks." I pat his head. Tweek suddenly then holds my was weird but we're just friends, yeah...friends.


It had been a few hours since Craig had read the first note Kyle had given him. Kyle was so desperate to give him another note....He was totally obsessed him Criag. He couldn't spend even A SECOND without thinking about that Raven haired cunt.

"Fuck you Craig!" Kyle said out loud. He them covered him mouth...Stan, Cartman and Kenny, along with Butters was staring at him. He forgot it was lunch time and he was silently regretting everything.

"What? You want space Man to fuck you?" Cartman said, while Kenny was wheezing.

"Yeah I do...So what?"

"HMPH?? (WHAT THE FU-)" Kenny spoke, muffled sadly but everyone could understand him...some. he was cut off by Stan putting his hand on his hood and pulling it down onto his face. Causing Kenny to fall down and Cartman sitting on Kenny, laughing at him.

"So...You do like Craig hm?" Stan looked at Kyle bluntly. Kyle feels like he already knows...He doesn't know if he should tell him or not, he did tell Kenny. Maybe Stan knew before Kenny did.

"Well..Kinda. A lot!" Kyle said quietly so only Stan could hear. To be honest, Stan wasn't too happy about that, how could his OWN best friend like his OWN enemy? But he had already known. He just wants Kyle to be happy, he doesn't want to fuck up like last time. But he needs to say something.

"He might hurt you, ya know?"

"He wouldn't...actually, I had gotten a note from someone in my locker, I assumed it was from him since he's the only one that calls me red head and all that shit. It was a love letter I guess, and I've been sending him them too but I'm not sure he knows that I am." Kyle just blurted out everything to Stan! Out of all people Stan?

"By the way, stop thinking so falsely about Craig, he takes care of me. Even when your always gone with Wendy." He had a bitter taste falling off his tone when he said the last part. Stan just got closer.

And closer.

Too close rather.

"Wha- OW." Kyle was cut off by Stan pulling his cheek.

"I said I was sorry didn't I Ky Ky? I promise to give you attention too. You're my super best friend! And I'll be there till you get married, idiot." He left go of his chin while Kyle was holding it and pouting.

He's real cute. I'm glad he's my best friend. Stan thought.

"Now let's go get something to eat, tired of those 2 sitting down doing a cafeteria." Kyle stood up as the same Stan did as he wrapped his arm around Kyle's shoulder walking with him into the line.

Stan was always a protective brother to Kyle. He cares so much about him he'd do anything, mainly why he punched Craig in the eye. Maybe he shouldn't have done that. Maybe he'd even kill for Kyle.

Craig kept hitting the table with his boots. He loved those boots, favourite ones. He had his legs on the table on his phone, always slightly glancing up at Kyle and Stan. He didn't like how Stan was touching Kyle. At the end of the day, They're best friends it's normal.

More importantly, the person who wrote that letter. Hmmm Y in their name...Wendy? Ew no, that's Stan's girl. Kyle? Craig would die from affection if if was Kyle. Kyle calling him Charming? Whew. Could be Kenny, but I Don't think Kenny likes men. Considering his lyrics in the intro theme to this whole damn show. Either way Craig couldn't put a finger on it. Timmy...How could Timmy even- never mind.

He just wishes it was Kyle. He did send a note to Kyle, wonders if he saw it.

Thank you all for reading! I love how you guys love this story...

THANK U FOR THAT MANY READS POOKIES 💙💙 hope ya enjoyed this chapter!

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THANK U FOR THAT MANY READS POOKIES 💙💙 hope ya enjoyed this chapter!

More than a melody. Cryle story! (Craig x Kyle). SOUTH PARK.Where stories live. Discover now