Lost in roses.

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When I woke up, I felt soft hands around my waist. I slowly started to remember when I let Craig sleep over...it was a school day and I need to get up, but I didn't wanna wake Craig up. I tried to wiggle my way out until I say up and went into the bathroom. I'll wake him up soon. After I finished brushing my teeth, I went to wake Craig up.

"Hey, wake up sleepy head you gotta get up." I spoke softly, ruffing up his hair a bit. He groaned softly as he stirred awake.

"Mhmmm.. I'm awake, I'm awake" I replied back. Get up while rubbing his eyes.

After we got dressed, we went down for breakfast. Father had only come out of his room and greeted Craig.

"Morning Kyle, and his friend!". My father said softly. Craig said morning back and quickly finished his food.

"Bye ma, Ike and father!" I smiled and waved them goodbye as me and Craig left the house on our way to school.
It was a quiet walk to the bus stop, we loved pretty close to it tho so it wasn't as long as we thought. Once we arrived, Kenny, Stan and Fatass gave us a weird look. As Craig saw his group, he parted ways with me and went with Token and Clyde, especially Tweek, as Clyde wrapped his arms around Craig giggling to the others.

"What were you doing with Craig?" Cartman asked, oddly eating a burger at the bus stop. Fucking fatass.

"Well, just reasons!" I smiled. Stan looked at me with hurt eyes. I didn't like seeing Stan upset but he made me upset first.

"Probably the Jew is fucking super space man over there!" Cartman laughed loudy, so did Kenny.

"Shut it fat ass don't say things like that!" I yelled at him getting closer to him.

"That's not funny Eric." Stan spoke gently.

"jealous because you're boyfriend Kyle has feelings for another man hm?"

"He's just my best friend. And he doesn't like it so stop." As soon as Stan said that, the bus had arrived. I went to go sit at the seat in the middle of the bus, but then Stan came to sit next to me. I was sitting next to the window so I couldn't really move. he was just sitting there, staring ahead.

"Hi Ky." Stan looked down at me, since he was taller. All I did was ignore.

"Please talk to me." He begged. I turned my body to face him and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry Kyle. I didn't mean it when I had called u sensitive or gullible, I didn't know that I was hurting you so much by hanging out with Wendy, I'm apologizing, please forgive me. You're my best friend." Stan said with a poor tone in his voice, looking at me like he wanted me to say okay.

"Why didn't you notice before? After all those times you have called me names and ditched me."

"Well I'm apologizing what more do you want from me!". Stan begged. I just looked out the window and we sat in silence.

After mins in silence, I would turn my head to look at Craig and his friends. Tweek would always be touching Craig in ways I never liked. He would touch his legs, arms, even his face! I could never tell the others about my feelings for Craig.

"Why do you keep looking at Craig." Stan asked, still looking forward.

"You like Craig down you?" Stan stated.

"What.?" How would he know that?

"I've seen the way you look at him, the way you would smile around him, that fight yesterday, you helped him and not me, yes the fight was my fault, but you were angry at me.". Stan looked at up.

More than a melody. Cryle story! (Craig x Kyle). SOUTH PARK.Where stories live. Discover now