Feelings are blossomed

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Here I am. Back in my house. 6:45am. Who said I wanted to be awake? I hate school, I wanna go back to Craig. I left the house for school and went to the usually bus stop looking for the Gang. I was only greeted by Stan.

"Hey Kyle!" Stan waved at me to come over. I hesitantly walked up to him with my head down, did my guy seriously forget everything that's happened? Maybe I should do the same, but what if he does it again...

"Hey Stan, where's the other 2?"

"Over there." Stan points to Kenny and Cartman, who ever over next to Tweek. I grab Stan's hand and take him with me over to Kenny and Cartman. It was odd to see them talking to anyone other than Tweek, not really since Tweek isn't the most hated dude on Craig's gang, even if I hate him. Tweek was cute, small, and caring so I wouldn't be surprised if Craig actually liked him.

"Sew, There's been a rumour going around Tweek freak! Apparently...You like Super space Man!" Cartman pointed his finger at Tweek.

"Craig?" Stan asked, looking at me like he knows something. Cartman just nodded

A rumour...Bebe had told me about that a few weeks ago. Maybe she started that Rumour, but it's obviously clear Tweek does like Craig only a dumbass would think he doesn't. (Craig himself.) I wish I was Tweek sometimes, he gets to hang around Craig all the time, some people think he's cute, he's a bit smart...(a bit) Man what do I need to do to get Craig to like me back. I assume what happened at Heidi's House was just a one night stand and it'll never happen again. I just don't wanna end up like Tammy. Kenny's sex partner. And a whore, I don't actually know if they're still dating, But If I was Kenny, I'd rather date Butters than date her that's for sure.

The bus then arrived, leaving Tweek not to respond.


It was the end of 3rd period, and I was walking with Kenny to the lunch hall. Kenny was rambling on about how he pulled so many hoes last night at Heidi's House.

"Hmph! Umph hmm mhhh!"  Kenny muffled.

I wasn't really listening to Kenny, I was just contemplating wether if I should tell Kenny about Craig, or just leave it to myself. It felt weird, I need someone to talk to about it, and who knows what Stan will do if I tell him...I pulled Kenny to the side and behind a few lockers.

Kenny takes off his hood hesitantly, "What is it Kyle?"

"I need to tell you something, but you have to promise that you won't tell ANYONE."

"What is it tho???"


"OKAY OKAY...I PROMISE...Crazy ass Red head." He spoke.

"Anyway...I um-" I cut myself off.

"I like Craig." I continued.

"..." Kenny was silent, eyes wide, mouth wide. Oh no.

"You what???"

"OKAY I only told you cuz I need you to help me get with him!" Kenny just closed his mouth and started to think.

"Well first, have you guys been hanging out?" Kenny asked, I nodded.

"Wait! I have an idea! You know when those Japanese girls meet their crush under the cherry tree and confess? Maybe you should do that!"

"That's so cringe...and we don't have cherry blossom trees..." I grit my teeth in disbelief. Kenny shrugged not knowing what else to do.

"You make things difficult Red head...Maybe you should leave love notes in his locker!"

"That's a good idea, then it's settled!" I said smiling.

After all that, I swear I heard someone's footsteps from the other side of the locker. Maybe I'm just hearing things and it's a rat looking for food as usual.


I was walking to my locker to get a piece of paper for the love note. I didn't have any in my bag and I didn't wanna ruin any of my books. When I opened my locker, I was about to take the paper out ad I saw an envelope. The bottom read "For a certain Red head." I opened the envelope and read the note inside.

I wish I could tell you all this in person but I'm afraid you could say? If I had enough confidence I would tell you how beautiful and amazing you are everytime I had spoken to you. Your green emerald eyes make my heart bounce up and down, your hair is so fluffy that I could just rest my head in it all day. Your lips are as soft as a cloud, or at least I assume ur lips are softer than a cloud.

Love: Your secret Admirer ♡

What??? The day I decided to write a love note to Craig, someone writes a love note to me? I blushed reading all that, it had to have been someone I've spokent to before and someone who touches my hair a lot I assume. How could they have possibly know how soft my lips are. Then it hit me. I rushed all those off my mind and took the paper and went into a empty classroom to write the love note to Craig. I'm so smart!

I wasn't so good at writing stuff like this, so I decided to keep it simple. After I wrote the note, I got up to go find Craig's locker, but I didn't know which one it was. Maybe if I ask around. But that'll be too obvious! I decided to go the principal to ask for Craig's locker number, must of thought I was some creep or something.

I placed the note in Craig's Locker...Fuck I can't believe I just did that! I quickly ran off.

//Unknown POV\\

Does Kyle think I'm stupid? Maybe he won't be so hard to wreck than I thought he would be.

I gave a quick grin to myself, rubbing both hands together.



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He lowkey hot icl

More than a melody. Cryle story! (Craig x Kyle). SOUTH PARK.Where stories live. Discover now