Sharing kisses with thee

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This night, was the night of the party at Heidi's house and I don't know what to wear. Classy or hoe? People would make fun of me then. Before picking out clothes, I went into the bathroom to wash my face and add some touches. I've never liked my face. Of course I'm not the best looking person, judging on how the girls put me down 16th for the ugliest in the class 7 years I'm 17 and I still think I'm ugly to this day. So I decided to sneak down into my mother's room. She was in the kitchen cooking dinner, while dad and Ike were sitting at the table playing some weird board game, ladders somethin'.
Kenny was coming to pick me up, and I've already told my mother and dad about it so they wouldn't worry too much.

After I finished clearing up my face, brushing my teeth and covering up some small spots on my cheeks, not freckles, those were on my nose.

"Kyle! Kenny is here, he's waiting for you!" Dad called out.

I quickly got dressed (no picture of it cuz idk what it even looks like) into something nice. This time I didn't bring my hat, that was something which was risky...then, I went down to see Kenny inside a car. This boy driving? I say bye and walk out to Kenny.

"What the fuck?" I called out.

"It's Cartman's mum driving not me.!" Kenny spoke loud and clear, he wasn't wearing his usual orange Jacket, in fact he had it around his waist, with a white shirt on. I looked over to see Cartmans mum and himself. $fucking Fatass...$ I thought to myself as I got into the car, sitting next to Kenny.

"What's up Jew! See ya got make up on to cover up all your mistakes, what are you gay? Trying to impress Stan???" Cartman giggled, not even gonna talk about what he's wearing.

"Too bad your mum couldn't cover up your whole body to hide all the mistakes." I hissed back. Kenny giggling as fatass' mum told him off for what he said, I just smirked and closed my eyes, waiting to get to Heidi's house.

When we got to her house, we said bye to Eric's mum and knocked on the door. Heidi then opened the door and let us in.

"Oh myyy you guys look so prettyyyy! Except for Cartman" Heidi smiled. We laughed why Cartman started nagging, but we went inside and BOY...was it loud in there. There were people laying on the tables, throwing classic red cups at each other, licking the chocolate fountain Heidi has just bought a few weeks ago, was it really legal to get drunk at this age? I wouldn't know. Me, Kenny and Cartman went to the pool table, drinking alcohol that tasted unusually very good. After Kenny and Cartman went to go snag on some random girls, I walked around a bit, being a bit sober still, but skirting my feet around softly, as I landed on the couch.

Just then, I looked up to see Stan right in front of me. I bit my lip and looked away pretending to not even care about him, he did apologize to me before, but I'm not sure if I really forgive him, when he did say sorry, I told him I'd think about it.

"You know I'm here ky ky." Stan smiled at me as he sat down. I just looked down, not knowing what to say.

"Well, have you thought about it yet?" He looked into my eyes with his bright navy blue ones.

"I guess so...only with the help of Wendy and Bebe tho." I look up at him. He just smiled more and gives me a big hug. "Thank you Kyle thanks!" Stan spoke happily. I smiled of course, I was happy to have my super best friend back.......


I was wandering around the place as I went upstairs. Heidi said we could go into any rooms we wanted since her parents weren't home. Of course...I grit my teeth as I heard a girl moaning. God people really be having sex in Heidi's house, what if that ends up being me?

More than a melody. Cryle story! (Craig x Kyle). SOUTH PARK.Where stories live. Discover now