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Lynn wanted to be friends, and that was a problem.

Regardless of how much Lynn wanted to deny it, it was a fact that she and the Royal East felon were getting closer. 

It wouldn't have been an issue if the girl wasn't so distracting, because then she could be like all of Lynn's other friends. But she wasn't like them. Not at all.

The delinquent was- well, a delinquent. A degenerate. A thug. A felon. 

She had already established how all around awful she was. She was crude, disrespectful, noisy. She was pretty much the embodiment of everything a parent would want their child to stay away from.

But she had also established that the girl wasn't just that

For one, her parents liked her. Or, at least her dad did, which was- huh. Lynn never even knew that they had interacted other than on chore-day, but apparently she was wrong, because her dad revealed as much during their chat before their hockey meeting.

"I didn't know coach Linda scheduled another practice before the game," he approached her on her way out.

"Oh, no, she didn't. I'm just gonna play with-" and it was only a second after she said the thug's name that she realized she might have made a mistake. She took a second to gauge a reaction, but she got nothing. "Is that okay?" 

Her dad didn't look the slightest bit concerned or hesitant like she would've expected. Instead, he for some reason looked happier than he had looked before it was revealed who she would be playing with.

"Oh, yeah! No problemo! She's a good kid."


"Really?" Lynn had scrunched her face together. The thought of using to word 'good' to describe the girl was not something she was accustomed to. 

"Yeah! I mean, she's been a little steered in the wrong direction, but she's a nice kid nonetheless," Lynn's jaw practically dropped. "She congratulated me on my half-birthday! She even helped me fix Vanzilla. Hey, why didn't you introduce me to her earlier? We had a great time."

The girl was also... nice. In her own unique way. She didn't show it like others did, she showed it by acting. By going out of her way to do things. And Lynn supposed she appreciated that. That the girl could show that she cared about things without having to involve a bunch of stupid meaningless affirmation or whatever. She was always there, even though she likes to pretend she doesn't want to be. 

★ Slapshot and Tackle ★  Lynn Loud JrWhere stories live. Discover now