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Lynn was always closer to her dad, but that didn't mean Rita didn't know her daughter well. She could read that girl from a mile away, and if she thought she was gonna miss this little development, her little girl had a lot coming for her.

It was obvious a change had occurred in her Lynn, she just didn't know what. 

The switch in behavior, the constant day-dreaming, the going out at odd hours; everything was screaming suspicious to Rita, and she hadn't the slightest clue on what the hell was going on with her daughter.

Until that girl started coming over more often, and a switch flicked off in Rita's brain. She liked to think she knew before even they did, because her daughter wore her heart on her sleeve, despite how much she liked to pretend she was this emotionless void.


"Hi," she said, standing stiff by the door when she realized she'd been caught. "Sorry for coming by unannounced but-"

"Oh," Rita called her name out warmly and beckoned her in. "Don't worry about it! As far as I'm aware, you made yourself comfortable in this house a long time ago. We're used to having you around at this point."

When she first started catching wind of Lynn's new "work-out buddy", she didn't think much of it. When she found out that said buddy was actually the girl who fought her daughter and got her stuck in detention, she was a bit less than thrilled.

Even less so when she heard all these stories from her other children about this girl being bad news. 

Seriously, criminal behavior? Vandalism? Violent tendencies, gang affiliation? Rita kept her chill when she scolded Lynn for her detention, but internally she was considering reporting this to the police, because who on earth was this danger to society that had infiltrated her children's school?

But the girl didn't stop there, oh no! She also had the guts to infiltrate their home when Rita wasn't around. Twice! 

She didn't care how much her husband spoke highly of her, nor did she care that Lynn had actually began kindling a friendship with her. If she saw that hoodlum doing anything less than orderly around her kids, she was going straight to the principal of their school, demanding this ruffian should be relocated.

★ Slapshot and Tackle ★  Lynn Loud JrWhere stories live. Discover now