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The next school-day something very strange and unusual happened.

Right between Math and Physics, while Lynn was standing by her locker taking books out after splitting up with her friends, she was met with a person she usually only saw in class.

The really funny thing about the Royal East delinquent is that she never really was where she should be. Lynn recalled never being able to find the girl a month or two before when she was actively hunting her down. And before that, when Lynn wanted nothing to do with the thug, she was everywhere.

In short, the girl had a habit of disappearing and appearing in very inconvenient times, only really reachable when in lessons.

Recently, ever since they kinda became friends, she decided to start disappearing again, which frustrated Lynn more than she was brave enough to admit.

So, truth be told, when she approached Lynn in school outside of a lesson, the jock was a little caught off guard.

The girl made no indication at her entrance before she spoke. "Loud."

Lynn almost dropped her books at the sudden appearance of that voice.

"What?" she asked genuinely confused, then doubling down with a "What," that was actually directed towards the girl, inquiring about her approach.

"Nothing, just..." the girl grimaced and for a moment Lynn though she could see her neck clench. The hallways were bustling with students at the time between periods. As such, Lynn almost couldn't hear the surprising words that came out of the girl's mouth next.


Now, if the girl even showing up in the first place wasn't surprising enough, the girl showing gratitude was even more rare. So rare that Lynn almost didn't know what to say.


"Oh? What was that?" she pretended not to hear. She wasn't that good at pretending though, if the shit-eating grin on her face was any indication. The thug groaned and looked away, tucking her hands in her pockets in the meantime.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up."

Lynn laughed, and even though the transfer tried to look annoyed she could tell she wasn't that bothered. With the surprise of the event settling in their regular dynamic returned, except she could still feel something strange about the girl tingling in the air.

"Are we playing this week again?" Lynn asked in hopes of easing the unfamiliar tension between them.

The thug let out a huge breath and rolled her eyes. "Is that the only thing you ever think about?"

★ Slapshot and Tackle ★  Lynn Loud JrWhere stories live. Discover now