Another boring day....or so i thought

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Hope you guys enjoy the story, any suggestions leave them in the comments thank you!

I woke up this morning to the sound of my alarm, slowly opening my eyes, I grab my phone from my bedside table and tried to read the blurry screen. Once my eyes adjusted I read the digits on my screen,
Shit its 9:17 im gonna be late for work again, I thought. I got up and went to take a quick shower. When I go out, I dried myself and started to get ready. I put on something like this for work:

 I put on something like this for work:

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>>>>time skip>>>>>

I got to the parking lot and there were more people than usual outside of the shop. I got out my car and I had to push through people just to get to the front door.
What the hell is going on? I thought.
I went inside and I went to the back to get my work clothes on. When I got back to the front of the store, I realise that there were people running up and down the street, most of them look like teens and women in their 20s, screaming up and down the road.
I own a small gift shop in central London and business is quite good. But I have to admit this was the first time I've ever seen more than hundreds of girls running down the street.
Out of nowhere, some random man wearing a hoodie runs into my store.
"Hey! Quick can you help me?" he asked in a deep British voice.
"Uuum, with what?" I was hesitant. I mean, it's not every day that you see millions of crazed woman running down the street and one random man wearing a hoodie that covers his face, enters your store.
"Is there anyway, you can hide me?"
As the strange man finished the sentence, he lifts up the hood of his jumper.
I was left speechless. Standing right in front of me was was nun other but THE Harry fucking Styles. It makes sense why there's an apocalypse outside now, they're all chasing him.
"So can you or not?"
Hearing his voice woke me up from my thoughts and I replied with.
"Uh- y-yes there is a storage room in-in the back if you..."
"Thats perfect. Take me there."
I locked the front door of the shop and switch to my sign to 'closed'. I grabbed the keys to the storage room and unlocked the door. He ran inside and pulled me with him.

"Don't you want me to check outside for when the cost is clear?"
"No it's okay, I need someone to talk to."
I sat down beside him, still shook at the fact that Harry Styles was hiding in my shop from over 1000 people outside.
He broke the silence saying ,
" I'm sorry I had to rush it like this, you have a nice shop."
"Oh um its ok, it's not every day you get your favourite singer running into your store."
He chuckled lightly,
"So you're a fan?"
" I mean you can say I am, but not as crazy as the people outside."
"Thank God, anyway, I never caught your name?"
"Its Y/n, and obviously you don't have to introduce yourself."
"Well i will anyway, Im Harry and its great to meet you."

I smiled lightly, looking back at him admiring his tattoos that I would never thought I'd see in real life. The Hoodie he came in wearing was now on the floor beside him. He was wearing some black trousers and a white shirt with the words,
'Enjoy health, eat your honey' with a bee in the middle. I giggled. I have no idea why it was funny, but it was.

"Admiring my shirt, eh?"
"Ah yes, I like it though, that's why I giggled."
"No worries, since we are here we should talk about something.. tell me about yourself?"
"Well i've been working here for about a year and my birthday is (your bday) and I have been a fan of One Direction, and you for a very long time now."
He smiled at me, and I looked away .
" That last part was probably stupid to bring up.."
"No of course it wasn't stupid, trust me, I get it a lot."
"Oh I'm sorry, was I supposed to wait in line to get your autograph?"
We both laughed.

"So what happened for you to end up at the back of a gift shop?"
"Well, I was walking down the street, listening to music when a group of girls shouted my name, and that kind of started this whole situation."
"Damn I don't think I could deal with Fame."
"You're lucky to work in a calm gift shop, I would gladly switch."
We continued talking for another hour.
After awhile, I got up and went to the front of the store. Everyone was gone, no crazy fans to be seen.

"Well there's no one outside now, I guess you can go."

His smile disappeared from his face, and from mine as well. I should be happy that he would safe to leave, but instead I was kinda sad.

"By any chance, can I get your number?"

There was absolutely no way Harry Styles was asking for my phone number. They seem to be one of my very delulu dreams, I would have a wake up depressed because it wasn't real.

"Uh- sure you can, but why?"
" I'm gonna need it later to say thank you, and in case this ever happens again, I know where to come."

I put my number in his phone and I walked him to the front of the shop. I unlock the door and switched the sign to 'open'.
He put his Hoodie back on and had AirPods in his ears.

"Thank you for this, I really do hope to see you again Y/n."

He remembered my name? I only told him once this whole time and usually people forget within the first five minutes.
Before I could give him a goodbye but he was already gone. I looked over at my counter and my phone had lit up.

*Unkown number*

"Thank you another time :)"

I didn't need to ask who it was, at that moment, I felt that every single dream of mine had been fulfilled. I have Harry Styles number, we talked for ages at the back of my store and he "hopes" to see me again.
Honestly, my day couldn't get any better.

I'm going to try post chapters once every three days since they take a long time to do. I've hope you've enjoyed this anyway, and follow me for the next chapter.🤍

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