Up the elevator(smut)

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Yes so the have sex again

Harry and I were listening to music in the car, it was almost 12am. It was a long drive from my mothers since there were roadworks delaying us for almost an hour. I looked at the GPS and there was still 20 minutes left until we got there.
"You've never been into my apartment, have you?" Harry said breaking the silence.
"No haha, but from what i saw before it looks extremely beautiful."
"Well instead of my dropping you off, why don't you come to mine so i can show you around?"
"Ok sounds good!"
Traffic was going a bit quicker now, the lights outside were beautiful. That was one thing i loved about London, the lights, they were everywhere. Sometimes i would just stare at them wondering how people would put lights up (A/n:ifykyk) in those high places. Especially at night, every light that is lit just gives its own energy. Everything is so different but artistic.
We were 5 minutes away from Harry's apartment now, but we got into another small part of traffic. I was still looking out the window when i felt something touch me, it was Harry's hand touching my thigh. I looked at him but he was concentrated on the road. I just looked back outside but i felt the touch turn into a squeeze. It was obvious what he was trying to do, but i just kept looking outside.
Once we arrived outside the building's lobby Harry parked the car and before we got out I said to him,
"You had some nerve whispering that in my ear during dinner with my mother."
He looked at me slightly smirking.
"I was just saying the truth baby, and maybe you can prove that to me later."
He got out of the car shutting the door behind him, i just sat there a bit starstruck, then got out of the car myself and caught up with him.

>>>>>time skip>>>>>>

After Harry had finished talking to the lobby worker about something, he came up to me as i was just sitting on my phone.
"Sorry that took me so long, shall we go?"
"No worries and yes let's go." I say getting up.
We walk towards the lift and Harry presses the button. The lift door opens and its just as fabulous as the whole building. I step inside first and Harry follows, pressing the button to the top floor. Level 28. The elevator door closes and i was suddenly pushed onto one of the walls. I was pinned against the wall, Harry holding my hands above my head.
"Harry what are you doing?" I looked into his eyes as he was studying my facial features. Mostly my lips.
"Well i had dinner so i thought i might be able to have some dessert?"
His lips were on mine but i broke away.
"Harry what if someone comes in here?!"
"No problem, we can continue in my bed."
The elevator door opens and Harry dragged me out holding my wrist. We got to his apartment door and he unlocked it revealing a magnificent living room with a view of what seamed like the whole city.
(A/n: choose your view, they all may not be London but whatever)

Option 1

Option 2

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Option 2

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Option 3

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Option 4

After getting mesmerised by all of the city lights in front of me, i turned around and saw Harry standing shirtless folding a few clothes

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After getting mesmerised by all of the city lights in front of me, i turned around and saw Harry standing shirtless folding a few clothes. His jeans were revealing his v-line slightly. I caught myself daydreaming into his chest tattoos, I've always honestly admired them.
"Looking at something love?"
I snapped back to look at him when I heard his voice.
"Y-yeah it's just the v-view! It's so beautiful."
I v no
B turned back around facing the window.
"Not as beautiful as you though."
I blushed a little and he stepped closer to me.
"Come on, let me show you around."
I followed him around the place, everywhere more fancy than the other. The single apartment looked bigger than the whole flat. Harry lead me into this dark room, when he turned on the light it was this master bedroom, with its own bathroom and another large window near the bed. We both went inside and he locked the door behind him without me noticing. I walked directly to the window and harry sat on the bed.
"All the lights look even better from up here."
"Hmn?" I felt Harry wrap his arms around me, still with no shirt on. He turned me around to face him and lifted up my chin.
"So how about i finish my dessert?"

He started kissing me passionately. Removing my shirt in the process. He gripped my waist, pulling me closer to him. Our chests touching, his tongue swirling in my mouth. We got closer to the bed and he pushed me onto it. Climbing on top of me and continuing the kiss. He made his way down my neck, leaving marks down to my collar bone. I ran my hands through his hair as he moved even more down, closer to my bra. His hand went behind my back and unclipped it, he took it off and threw it onto the floor.
He continued kissing everywhere he could. Massaging my breasts slightly as he made his way down to my belly.
I was letting at small moans as he continued to kiss everywhere. One of his hands were still massaging my breast and the other were taking off my trousers. His hand was fiddling with the lace of my underwear as he went back to kiss my lips.
"You're ok with this.. right love?"
I nodded and kissed him again. His fingers traveled from playing with my underwear to hovering over my vagina. He started fingering my clit. I was moaning and pleasure.
He continued slightly picking up pace. He broke the sound of my moans by kissing my mouth again. I let out muffled sounds but I wouldn't break the kiss. I was dripping wet, letting out cries of mercy would do nothing. It felt so good.
"You look so pretty moaning on my bed love."
"O-oh fuck."
I just let out more noise.
He took his hands out of inside me when i was finished and threw himself beside me, kissing my lips another time.
"I love you so much." He said looking into my eyes.
"Me too Harry."
I got up putting my clothes back on.
"I better go.."
"No don't," he pulled me back to sit on the bed, "stay the night, it's too late for you to go."
So thats what i did. I laid down on his chest, my finger outlining his butterfly tattoo. His hand was playing with my hair and we both fell asleep.

>>>>>time skip>>>>>

The next day i woke up to Harry's phone buzzing. He wasn't in the room but I heard the shower running so im sure he was in there. I looked over at the side table and his phone was being spammed by an unknown number. Most texts sent with love hearts and saying things like,
"I miss you" or "when will i see you again."
I looked at them confused, i didn't want to be invasive but i had to know who this was.

Thank you for reading this chapter! I will try get the next one out in 2-3 days x

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