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Something weird about me is when i start writing a story and im like 3 chapters in, i start to get bored and want to write another book. But thats not happening, i am so determined to finish this one lol

When i went to sleep that night I don't think i ever slept so well. I was awakened by my alarm and i couldn't stop thinking about what happened that afternoon in the studio. It felt so real but so delulu at the same time, i mean i have dreams where these things happen so for it to happen in real life would be just as confusing.
I knew it was real after i saw the unread message on my phone from Harry.

"Can i take you out for dinner later?🙃"
It read.
I obviously wanted to say yes, but why do i feel like i would act so awkward after that afternoon? I know one of us would bring it up. Most likely me. My feelings are so mixed, 95% of me wants to be with him. It would be any girls dream and for me its actually becoming reality, but that 5% is just worry about what problems it might come with.

"Of course i do, cya at 7?"
I sent him message back and he instantly replied with,
"See you then!"

I was nervous. So fucking nervous. Going out with one of the most famous musicians in the world would make anyone be anxious, I think. What would it be like? Will there be bodyguards marking every part of the premises? Will we need a food tester checking for poison in everything we order? Ok maybe not the last one, but you never know. Shit i had to find something to wear, but first i have to explain everything to my bestfriend Lila (a/n: u don't have to use Lila its only for the sake of the story lol). All this happened so quickly i had no time to tell her at all. So the first thing i did was call her to come over so I could explain everything.

>>>>>>time skip>>>>>>>

Once she got here she hugged me tight.

"Girl what the hell happened! I tried calling but you never answered! Replacing me with someone else already?"
She asked taking off her shoes.
"Never but i do have so much to tell you and i need your help."
"Well thats why im here so speak away."

>>>>>>>time skip>>>>>>>

After I finished explaining everything I could tell that she was ready to pass out. Her jaw was practically on the floor and since growing up we were both really big fans of One Direction in general, and we both never dreamt of this happening ever. We both stayed silent for quite a long time so that Lila could process everything at her own pace. I broke the silence with,

"Oh and I need your help because he asked me to go out tonight and I have no idea what to wear..."
She looked at me, as if I was trying to kill her with this news.

"Oh. My. Fucking. GOD." Lila yelled.

"Listen I know this happened so quickly and I really need your advice so just don't-"
"Thank you Lila, it means the world to me."
"Absolutely no problem and you can thank me by getting his autograph."
"I will don't worry."
"Ok now I think it's time we find something fabulous for you."

>>>>>time skip>>>>>

Lila had picked out three different outfits for me to try on, they were all honesty so beautiful and it was practically impossible to only choose one..
(A/n: choose what your wearing for tonight!)
Option 1

Was it to be? (Harry Styles x reader)Where stories live. Discover now