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His voice filled with love and longing. As he gazes into Nia's eyes, he realizes that she is still in a state of shock from their unexpected kiss.

Regret fills his heart as he realizes that he should have asked for her consent before taking that leap. "Oh, I should have asked if it was okay to kiss you, I'm truly sorry, Nia-," he stammered, his voice filled with remorse. But before he could finish his apology, Nia's lips find their way to his, melting away any lingering doubts or worries. In that moment, his hands instinctively wrap around her waist, pulling her closer, deepening the kiss. It becomes a passionate exchange of emotions, a beautiful symphony of love and desire.

As their lips continue to dance in a passionate rhythm, their hands explore each other's bodies, tracing every curve and contour. The electricity between them is palpable, a current that surges through their veins, awakening every nerve ending. They are consumed by hunger, a hunger that can only be satisfied by the taste of each other's skin.

Their kisses become more urgent, more desperate, as if they are trying to make up for lost time. They explore every inch of each other, leaving no part untouched. Their bodies move in perfect harmony, a symphony of desire and pleasure. They lose themselves in the ecstasy of their connection, surrendering to the overwhelming wave of sensations that washes over them.

In the midst of their passion, their eyes lock once again, and they see a future filled with love and happiness. They know that this moment is just the beginning, the start of a beautiful journey together. They are no longer two separate souls, but one united force, bound by an unbreakable bond.

When they finally broke apart, he could see the happiness in her eyes. "I missed you too," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "And I'm glad you're here." Unable to resist the magnetic pull between them, he leaned in for another kiss.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here with you Nia,"

This time, their connection was even more intense than before. It was as if their souls were intertwining, their passion igniting a fire that burned brighter with every touch.

The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them locked in a moment of pure bliss.

Theodore released his grip on her after a while and spoke softly, "I can't stay for long but I wanted to see you so I had to be quick and discreet." Nia nodded, her understanding evident in her eyes.

"I understand Theo, just glad I got to see you, and you did really amazing out there," she said with a warm smile.

He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, his affectionate gesture filled with tenderness.

"I'm glad I got to see you as well, darling, I'll call you, " he whispered. As he pulled away, he leaned in once more, this time planting a lingering kiss on her lips before reluctantly leaving.

 As he pulled away, he leaned in once more, this time planting a lingering kiss on her lips before reluctantly leaving

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As promised, he had been keeping up with their nightly chats for a week now. With Theodore's impending presidency and his highly political family, he could feel the mounting responsibilities taking hold and the little bit of freedom he once had just slowly not existing.

Nia understood his situation and remained occupied with her own life.

Currently, Nia is comfortably situated on her bed, clad in a luxurious pair of satin grey pajamas. She is fully engrossed in her favorite television show, Power, while simultaneously treating herself to a delectable bowl of strawberry ice cream. Suddenly, her phone begins to ring, interrupting her moment of relaxation. However, Nia picks up her phone with unwavering certainty, as she already knows exactly who is calling her. With a sense of anticipation, she utters a polite "Hello?" into the receiver.

"Hey darling," and her heart melted. "How was your day?"

Nia let out a small sigh before responding, "It was alright, just busy with work as usual." She paused for a moment, her voice filled with warmth, "But hearing your voice always makes it better."

Theodore chuckled softly, his voice carrying a hint of amusement, "I'm glad to hear that. How's the ice cream?"

A grin spread across Nia's face as she replied, "Delicious as always."

As they conversed, they exchanged stories about their day and explored different subjects that piqued their interest. The minutes flew by as they chatted, their bond deepening with each passing moment. However, Nia began to feel the effects of exhaustion, her eyes growing heavy and her head drooping.

She let out a yawn, which Theodore noticed immediately. 

In a gentle and soothing tone, Theodore whispered, "Sweet dreams my Darling," his voice acting as a lullaby, coaxing her into a peaceful slumber.

Nia, now in a sleepy state, managed to muster a sleepy smile, "You too, my love," she murmured softly before the call ended. With Theodore's voice lingering in her mind, she drifted off to sleep, feeling content and happy.

Very short. Longer chapter next chapter.

Apologies for the late update, had a bit of a writing block but I'm back now.

See y'all next chapter 🫶🏽

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