prologue: before Hogwarts

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Our story begins in Wiltshire, England, in the right wing of Malfoy manor. The dark old right wing of the manor was were the dark lord lived. The dark lord owned many homes but he always stayed with his followers to see how well he can trust them and if they will follow his every command. They usually do. Malfoy Manor was his favourite manor to live in besides the black manor of course.  Malfoy manor always give him a whole wing that fits his atheistic perfectly. All the house elfs worship him and do exactly what he says. He has entertainment in the form of Lucius Malfoy being absolutely terrified of him and in the form of Narcissia being a sassy queen. He also didn't have to see his son and his………. Wife unless he wanted to see them, for training (in his son's case) or for fun (in the case of his wife). Yes the dark lord had a 5 year old son to his wife called Marcus Slytherin and a pureblood wife he didn't care to remember the name of. Another reason the dark lord favoured Malfoy manor was because he had a whole basement the size of the manor filled to the brim with alcohol. Which brings us to the point our story begins. 

The date was the 30th August 1979. The dark lord was once again completely drunk and he had grown bored of his wife but not so bored that he threw her away and stopped using her for fun. No, he just added a third person into the fun. A young woman who idolised the dark lord and believed he was God. This of course turned the dark lord on. So the girl was added to be used for fun just like the dark lord's wife. It was just the dark lord on the two girls. They all had fun with each other. The girls on each other. The dark lord on the girls separately. The dark lord on one girl while said girl was on the other. Both girls on the dark lord. However, the group had too much fun for 42 weeks later (on the 30th May 1980), the dark lord became a father to two new born girls who had two different mothers. 

The dark lord had great plans for both daughters as soon as he saw them. But unlike the young woman, the wife refused to follow along anymore. Her children weren't going to be made into death eaters and used as weapons for the dark lords' gain. She grabbed her son and daughter and tried to disappear with them. But the dark lord caught her and killed her in front of all three of his children. He used the killing to perform a very powerful spell, making one of his 7th horcrux.

Horcruxes are very powerful things that need to be protected and kept hidden so the dark lord split his children up. His son and daughter from his wife were given to the Malfoy's to raise. While Voldemort locked the horcrux and her mother away at one of the  Grant Manors on the island.  The dark lord stayed in touch with the malfoys and the young woman to make sure that his children were being raised the right way that they were being raised to fight in this war but when the girls were just over a 1 year old, the dark lord was killed leaving the two families to decide how to raise the children. 

The Malfoys already had five of their own children and the lestrange's child that they recently got custody of so they already had a pretty good view on how they should raise the children, even if each child was raised slightly differently. All the children had a bunch of nanny house elves but the level of interaction they got from Lucius and Narcissia was different. Celestia Malfoy (age 3) the oldest of the Malfoys and the heiress, was treated as a princess. She was already in lessons on how to be the perfect pureblood lady and Lucius often shows her off. Draco Malfoy (aged 1) was mainly raised by house elves but Lucius had planned his future and interacted with him a few times because he is the heir. Sophia Malfoy (aged 1), Leo Malfoy (aged 6 months) and Lexie Lestrange (age 4 days) were ignored all the time. Only the house elves interacted with them. Roxie Malfoy (age 1) was the disgrace of the family. She looked nothing like a Malfoy. Only 1 house elf was allowed near her. No one else. The public doesn't even know she exists. Marcus Slytherin was to be raised just like Draco with Pureblood training and training to be the perfect heir and death eater while being shown off. Lucius had decided since Skylar was a girl she didn't matter so Lucius had decided she shall be raised like Sophia. But Narcissia and Marcus had other ideas. Narcissia decided to treat the dark lord's how a mother should treat their daughter and the 7 year old Marcus decided he was going to raise his little sister in the way he remembered their mother wanted for both of them. 

The other daughter of the dark lord wasn't as lucky. Yes she was being raised by her own mother but her mother believed the dark lord was going to come back and that her daughter was going to be a god just like the dark lord if she raised her in the way the dark lord wanted her to be raised. She was going to raise the daughter with training of: 

 how to be a death eater

How to treat death eaters

How to kill 

and with lessons of how amazing and powerful the dark lord is and how the daughter can be just like him. But she was going to make sure she was close to her daughter and that her daughter loved her for when she became a god. 

Two daughters with the same father. 

Two daughters with the same birthday.

Two daughters with different mums. 

Two daughters with different stories. 

This story is about the horcrux.

This story is about the young woman's daughter. 

This story is about a girl with blue bobbed hair and brown eyes. 

This story is about a girl who wears a black lacy dress over her school top and doc Martens. 

This is about a girl who loves her mother despite everything. 

This story is about a girl who is trained to be insane since birth. 

This story is about Sylvie Riddle Grant, secret daughter of the dark lord.  

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