chapter 4: year 4

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As the brand new school year rolled round after a summer of fun, the streets of London once again filled up with young witches and wizards from the ages of 11-17 with their families. The muggle officer once again didn’t know what hit him when he gets asked the same question over and over again. Where is platform 9 ¾? 1st september was always the busiest time of the year for kings cross station but this year, 1994, the station seemed even busier than normal. It was so much more crowded as well. The magical people found it very hard to run into the wall between platform 9 and platform 10 because of how crowded and pushed together everyone was. The crowds were going to make the muggles see things no one should see. But the muggle side of the platform wasn’t the only side that was overcrowded, so was the wizarding platform. It seemed like so many more families were on the platform this year than all the other years despite there being the same amount of Hogwarts students (the new first years, replacing the old 7th years). So many people almost fell into the train because of how crowded it was. It's ridiculous. Though all the adults and students seemed to be talking about one thing. The Quidditch World cup. Apparently death eaters had attacked it or something and now everyone’s terrified that Hogwarts is going to be attacked.

Oooo maybe that's why the platform is more crowded than normal. 

Finally the crowds emptied the platform as the students waved goodbye from the compartments on the Hogwarts express which started chugging along. Off to Hogwarts they go. 

At the welcoming speech, the students soon found out why the platform was so overcrowded. Everyone was there in hopes of seeing Vicktor Krum, famous quidditch star. You see in the welcome speech, as well as introducing Mad Eye Moody as the new defence against the dark arts professor, Dumbledore announced the triwizard tournament. The Triwizard Tournament is a famous contest between three schools: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. It originated some 700 years ago as a friendly competition between the three schools. Each school took turns hosting the Tournament, which took place every five years. The contest was a test of intelligence, courage, and wizardry skills. The contest was cut off years ago because last time this tournament took place a student died but Dumbledore had convinced the ministry to run the tournament again and in two weeks students from Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic will turn up at hogwarts to sign up for the tournament and to stay the whole year at hogwarts. 

Oooo this is going to be so much fun and hopefully someone dies again. 

Now I can see what you're thinking. We are already 478 words into this chapter and I haven't even mentioned the main person of this story yet. Well you see Slyvie was excited for the triwizard tournament and she was hoping what happened last time would happen again but you see Slyvie was far more excited about something else that has been happening to her. You see ever since the middle of the summer, Slyvie had been having these strange dreams about being in the riddle manor. Slyvie only knew it was there because Slyvie had visited there was she was 10 as a look into her father. Anyway, Slyvie was so confused by the dreams because she always heard this crooked voice and watched this guy get killed and she also saw Peter Pettigrew. So, of course being Slyvie, she countacted her mother and told her everything. 

“Oh I know Sweety. Our Lord is coming back. His plans are in motion and soon the lord will be back and he will rule again. And you will become a god like him, if you make him proud.  But remember mummy will always love you”. 

So Slyvie was more excited by that than the possible death of one of her classmates being killed in a very dangerous tournament. Wouldn’t you be excited if there was a chance your father would be back soon? 
Despite being more excited about her father possibly coming back, Slyvie was still in love with the triwizard tournament. When the new schools arrived, she tried to make them fall over during their performance/walk in. In the first week of the schools being there, she ruined so many of the girl’s hair with scissors or paint. Then when the sign up arrived, Slyvie tried to put her name in the goblet of fire but of course since she wasn’t of age, she failed miserably.  

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