chapter 3: year 3

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September 1st 1993 soon rolled round much to everyone's disappointment. September meant the start of the new school year. And for those unlucky few who were born between September 1979 and August 1980, it meant the start of the owl classes. You see at the end of 2nd year, all those students had to pick a few classes from a list that they would take on top of their compulsory lessons like Transfiguration, Potions, charms, Astronomy, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology and History of Magic. The list of elective classes were: 


Muggle Studies

Ancient Runes

Care of Magical Creatures


Despite wanting to do every class, students can't fit every class into their time tables so they have to pick and choose what classes they add into their already busy timetable. Take Sylvie Grant for instance. She couldn't add all the classes to her time table despite wanting to, to make her father proud. So she chose the class she thought her father would be proud of which were of course ancient Runes, care of magical creatures and divination. 

Anyway, back to the new year starting. 

The Hogwarts express was more eary than normal. Slyvie was of course the last to get on the train but as he walked through it to find a compartment, she could hear the whispers of everyone. She could hear their fear. 

"Did you hear about what he did?" 

"I hope they find him soon" 

"He's going to kill us isn't he?"

"We'll be safe at Hogwarts right?"

"Roxie he isn't a bad guy" 

"Did you hear he killed 13 muggles as well as his best friends?'

"Why has he broken out now"

You see, over the summer a serial killer under the name of Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban. He was the first ever person to escape from Azkaban and the reason he's in Azkaban is for killing 13 muggles and his friend. Now he was free and no one knew where he was or who he was going to kill next. Everyone was terrified, well except for a few gryffindor's, some slytherins, a couple Hufflepuffs and, well, Sylvie Riddle Grant of course. Of course. Slyvie was over the moon that a serial killer was on the loose, a serial killer who killed muggles. 

Oh maybe if she helped this Sirius Black kill some more people, her father might be proud of her. 

So from that point on, Slyvie had it drilled into her mind that she was going to find Sirius Black and help him kill some muggles and muggleborns. 

So it's no surprise when Slyvie starts to spend all her free time at Hogwarts researching about Sirius Black and trying to find him. She found out all about how that gryffindor called Bree that was calling Professor Lupin "moomy" was the daughter of Sirius Black. She found out that Sophia Malfoy was the god daughter of Sirius Black.  She found out all about his family tree and how he is his own cousin. She found out about his Hogwarts years. She found out about his disownment. She found out almost everything. 

She just needed to find him now and help him kill people but that was another problem.  You see no matter how many times Sirius Black was spotted around Hogwarts, the staff and the dementors wouldn't let any of the students do anything and that is horrible and boring. Slyvie had to team up with this crazy 5th year kid called Comet. Apparently this kid was the nephew of Sirius Black and he ….. Well, he was hungry. You see, Comet is deranged and a cannibal. He has already killed muggles before but no one knew because he ate the bodies. Slyvie was kind of scared to work with him but he was as obsessed as she was with helping Sirius Black kill more people and Slyvie needed his help if she was to make her father proud. So in may, Comet and Slyvie teamed up to find Sirius.  

Though when they found out Sirius had been captured by the ministry, they were less than pleased but hearing about the escape the next morning got them both excited. He was definitely going to kill someone now.

That summer, her mother stopped her from trying to find Sirius Black. She told her that Sirius didn't worship their lord but his best friend, Peter Pettigrew, did and he was very much alive. Slyvie wasn't one to go against her mother so she stopped trying to find Sirius. She also cut off contact with Comet. He was too deranged. 

Over the summer, Slyvie's mother made sure to do something every day with Slyvie. So the summer was filled with day trips, holidays, pamper days, special meals and more. Her mother was acting this was the last time they'll be alone together and be able to spend time together as just themselves. 

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