chapter 7: year 7

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"Dear all readers, 

With Albus Dumbledore dead, the death eaters have taken over Hogwarts. Severus Snape is now the headmaster. He has fired all muggleborn teachers. He has hired new teachers who are death eaters. 

On other knews, he who must not be named has killed the ministry of Magic. Death eaters now run the ministry . 
Death eaters are everywhere killing tons of people. And tons of muggleborns and muggles have gone missing. 

But where's our hero?

Harry Potter, the boy who lived, has disappeared. Leaving us in this mess. Maybe he isn't much of a hero after all and we are all going to die. 

That's all from me for now. Stay safe. 

I'll hand over to trickster for the list of everyone who has died so far. 

Here's the list of people who have died so far. Our hearts go out to their families and friends. 

Lotty Midnight 

Slyvie ripped the newspaper in half and threw it in the bin. "5 years of stopping fa-the dark lord and now he has disappeared? So much for a hero" She mumbled to herself. "I need to get to Hogwarts" 

Oh I guess you're wondering what's happening? Guess i'll go back in time and tell you. So back to August 1997. 

After dealing with the death of Slyvie's mother, punishing Roxie and Draco and taking over the ministry, the Malfoy’s threw the public wedding for Celestia and Theo at the beginning of August. It was planned that Slyvie and Draco would get married a couple of days later but that never happened. Because a girl called Lotty Midnight broke into the wedding and tried to end it. Apparently she was a friend of Celestia's. Anyway she got captured and thrown into the Dungeons. But it was revealed that instead of being a Half-blood like she told everyone, she was a Muggleborn. So that was a shock. But because of this attack, Slyvie's wedding never happened. 

When September came, Roxie, Sylvie, Draco and Lexie were forced to stay at Malfoy Manor instead of going back to Hogwarts. Skylar was meant to stay back too but she sneaked off to Hogwarts with Leo Malfoy.  Lexie wasn't old enough to be a death eater yet so Slyvie didn't understand why she was forced to stay back but you know, don't question father.  

Draco, Roxie, Lexie, Celestia and Sylvie all got given a job, a role, which they had to fulfil to help her father rule. Celestia had to do missions to find runaways and muggleborns to kill. Lexie was forced to help her mother with torturing prisoners (Well they tried to force her. she just made things chaotic for her mum). Draco was given missions daily that he had to follow. Roxie was in charge of all the prisoners. She had to make sure none of them died before they were allowed and she also had to feed them once a day. Sylvie was still being punished for not killing Death eaters so her father wanted her close at all times. So she was there to watch everything. 

In the middle of September, Celestia was forced to kill Lotty right in front of her family. Slyvie didn't know why but watching this person get killed didn't bring joy to her like it normally does (despite the voice in her head cheering and telling her to join in). Slyvie didn't understand. 

Being at her father's side the whole time meant she had to watch as he tortured so many people. But she also had to watch bellatrix torture people because her father often sent her to bellatrix with message. 

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