chapter 5: year 5

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“Did you hear what Dumbledore is saying?”

“Did you hear the ministry’s response?”

“Is it safe for the kids to go back to hogwarts?”

“Of course its safe Linda. You know who isn’t real. Have you seen him?”

“Dumbledore is getting too old. He needs to retire. “

“Did you hear? He failed to hire a defence against the dark arts teacher?”

“He did? Who’s going to teach my dear son then?”

“Someone from the ministry apparently”

“Oh good. They’ll see that Hogwarts needs new staff and the students need mental help. Saying he is back when he isn’t”

“Oh did you hear, Audrey? The malfoy’s foster son, Marcus Slythern, disappeared”

“Oh i hear he ran away Linda”

“I heard he was disowned for being a mudblood”

“I heard he fell in love with a muggle and ran away to get marr-”

“Don’t be stupid heather”

As always the start of the new year brought the gossip circle. And the gossip circle had a lot to talk about this year. But like most gossip circles, they were half right, half wrong. Let's break down their gosip shall we? At first the gossip was about Slyvie’s father coming back. You see Dumbledore had announced he was back but the ministry didn’t believe he was back and had been publishing that and fighting with Dumbledore over that fact all summer, in the public eye. Another thing they were gossiping about was Marcus Slytherin. You see, at the end of august Marcus Slytherin disappeared. No one knew where he was or why he disappeared but the malfoy family and everyone who lived in the malfoy manor was calling him a blood traitor so Slyvie wanted to kill him just like the voices were telling her two. The last thing they were gossiping about was the new Defence against the dark Arts professors that the government had hired. That gossip was true. Albus Dumbledore had failed to hire a new teacher and the ministry had appointed one themselves. The professor was called Dolores Umbridge. She was a snubish pink toad who was obsessed with saying hmh. 

Slyvie absolutely hated her. 

From the moment Slyvie laid eyes on Umbridge, Slyvie made it her year’s goal to annoy the hell out of Umbridge and send her packing. So guess what Slyvie did? She pulled every trick in the book. She destroyed Umbridge’s office. She destroyed Umbridge's classroom. She did the opposite of everything Umbridge said. She blew up so many things. She filled the halls with animals. She ran around chanting “the dark lord is alive. You will all die”. She refused to show up to any detentions she got and when she did, she didn’t do anything. When Umbridge became headmaster, she blew up Dumbelore’s office. At the OWL exams, Slyvie helped the weasley twins blow everything up. She even followed the guys who always go against bringing her father back to life into the forbidden forest and made it even spookier. 

Though after all this, Slyvie still sneaked off to the battle of the ministry because the voice in her head told her something was going on. When she arrived, death eaters were already fighting with these stupid kids so not wanting to ruin what's already going on (or that's what she told herself), Slyvie hid and watched everything go down. She watched Sirius black be killed. She watched Harry Potter run after Bellatrix. She watched Jazz Potter (Harry’s twin) attack or flirt with Sophia malfoy. Slyvie was confused on what she was doing. Slyvie ran after Harry to find out what was happening when she saw her sister punch her brother in the face. That was funny. She then watched as Skylar laughed their father’s laugh and attacked harry. Slyvie watched as her father appeared. Slyvie watched as Dumbledore and her father fought. She watched as the ministry arrived and saw her father. She watched as her father and Bellatrix left. She watched as the death eaters started getting arrested. Slyvie quickly left after that, not wanting to be arrested herself. 

That summer was chaotic. 

Sophia Malfoy ran away from home.

Malfoy Manor got searched for death eaters and cursed artefacts (those were quickly hidden)

All the death eaters breaking out of Azkaban and moving into Malfoy manor. 

River Parkinson got married to some death eater

Celestia Malfoy privately got married to Theo Nott (they will be publicly married next year)

All the children of death eaters (except those that were now married or were disowned) were forced to have a meal together.  No one but Slyvie understand why Slyvie was there. 

Roxie Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Slyvie, Lilith snape and Skylar Slytherin all received the dark mark and became death eaters

Roxie and Draco were given their mission 

Skylar and Slyvie were given the mission of making sure Draco and Roxie completed there's and making sure Dumbledore ended up dead.

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