chapter 1: year 1

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September 1st 1991.

The day the streets filled with young witches and wizards. 

The day every young witch or wizard rushes to kings cross station in London. 

The day a muggle officer gets asked the same question over and over again.

The day a bunch of 11 year olds leave their families for the first time ever.

The day a bunch of rich spoiled brats get sent to school for the first time ever. 

Yes it's the day everyone goes back to Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry.  And of course the only way to get to the magical school that resides in Scotland was to travel all the way to kings cross station, in london and catch the Hogwarts express on platform 9 ¾ (even if you lived in scotland).

So Platform 9 ¾ filled with kids and their families from all over the uk. The platform was overflowing. The only kids without families on the platform were the children who came from muggle homes or were orphans. Families of all different sizes filled the platform, from families with 11 children to families with just one child to one child on their own with no family whatsoever. The biggest family on the platform belonged to a family with two ginger parents, 7 ginger kids, one black haired girl who looked like the gingered, a black haired boy and girl who looked like each other and a pair of black haired twins (girl and boy). The smallest of the families was a ginger girl around the age of 13/14 already wearing her slytherin uniform. As you can guess, the platform was filled with noise as the children said goodbye to the parents and siblings who don’t go to Hogwarts while greeting their friends for the first time in 2 or more months. 


All the children, ages ranging from 11 years old to 17 years old, rush onto the Hogwarts express as the doors open, all hoping to get the best compartment for their friend group before anyone else does. Soon the platform was empty of all Hogwarts students except for those whose parents want to have a “word” with them. These students include the Malfoy triplets and the main girl of this story.  “Slyvie remembers your training. And remember to make our lord proud. He is always watching you.” A young woman with short brown hair wearing black robes told the 11 year old  “and remember mummy always loves you. Now go have fun and be in slytherin” and with that the girl rushed onto the train. By now all the good compartments were taken but Slyvie went straight to the back of the train where the slytherin’s sit and sat next to Marcus Flint. 

Throughout the whole ride to hogwarts slytherin’s kept asking the 11 year old tons and tons of questions while Slyvie just sat there, swinging her legs and humming ignoring all their questions because it was funny seeing how irritated they all got by her being there and ignoring them of all people. 

“Who are you”

“Who said you could sit here?”

“I asked you a question, who are you?”

“Who do you think you are for ignoring us?”

“You're probably a little mudblood. Mudbloods don’t belong in the slytherin compartment”

“You aren’t a slytherin. You don’t belong here”

“Who in Merlin's name are you?”

“Stop ignoring us you little..”

“Wait until we are at hogwarts. We will curse you”



“Who bloody hell are you?”

When the Hogwarts Express finally arrived at Hogwarts Express, Slyvie just hopped off her seat and skipped off the Hogwarts express, like she hadn’t just been annoying a bunch of bad slytherins, and straight onto one of the boats with three random first years. 
Finally the first year students arrived outside the great hall and were waiting for the shorting. All the first year students were now in their uniform or they were meant to be anyway. The uniform conceited of:

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