Agreement In Principle

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This girl knows how to run.

I thought I was fast, but Elora zooms through the woods like her life depends on it. She knows the area like the back of her hand and weaves through the trees faster than a bee. Thankfully, her red hair is like a bright flashlight, making it too easy for me to pick her out.

It takes me another few minutes to realize that we are running in circles. Big circles, but circles nonetheless. I start to see the patterns of greens, yellows, and browns. That huge tree making an appearance for the third time. The white roses swaying behind the bush. That muddy puddle under a perfect row of pines. The two logs that form a T.

I take cover behind a massive tree, willing my breathing to slow down so she doesn’t hear me. The rustling of leaves, the slight scrape of feet against gravel, and then Elora emerges.

She must realize that I’m not behind her because she glances back and stops moving. She fully turns, clearly trying to peak through the rows of trees to see if I’m there. I realize that she really doesn’t want me to leave the woods. She needs me to stay here.

I cover the distance between us and press the barrel of my gun to the back of her head. “Looking for someone?”

She sucks in a breath.  “You know we really should stop meeting like this.”

“Got any last words?” To hell with playing nice. It hasn't gotten me anywhere with this girl.

“I do love a good cup of tea,” She says weakly.

I release the safety of my gun.  “You don't sound like someone who's afraid to die, Elora.” 

“Maybe I'm not afraid, Phoenix.” Voice surprisingly steady for someone who has a gun to their head. “Besides, I don't think you’re going to kill me.”

I press the gun harder and her pulse escalates under my touch.

“Yet.” She says breathlessly.


I wait for a few seconds before dropping my arm. Elora doesn't move until I'm a few steps away. She tilts her head and slowly turns to face me, sizing me up.

“Start with Frost,” I say, gun still pointed at her.

“I work with him,” She says, her eyes flit to my gun. “Who sent you?”

“Who says someone sent me?” I shoot back.

“Please.” Elora rolls her eyes. “There's no way he would connect with you. You're too famous. He wouldn't mess things up for us.” She didn't know him that well then, did she?

“Who's us?” I ignore her question. “There are more of you?”

“Name of the person who sent you?” She demands.

“That's not important.” I grit my teeth. If this girl doesn’t trust me now, the chances of her trusting me when I mention the President’s name are as much as Clancy Gray getting his powers back. Slim to none.

“And that is not an answer.” Elora balls her fists.

“Guess we’re done here then.” I don't mean it but it's enough to get a reaction. She stalks towards me, stopping mere inches away from the gun.

I raise my eyebrows at her and she takes another two steps back, looking more annoyed than scared. “Nowhere near done, Phoenix. No one over here has heard from Frost in weeks and he was interested in you the last time he was here. Which means you’re now a person of interest to me.”

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