Final Call

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The roar of the phone shatters the dark dreamy haze of the night, jerking me back to reality. Tremors run through my body and I grip my elbow with my palm, and try to steady my racing heart.

Cole stoops over the couch and retrieves the phone.

The ringing gets more furious as he hoists the phone, and comes to an end when he lifts it to his ear.

“Hello?” He tilts towards me. My heart hammers against my ribcage as I try to gauge his expression.

Please be him. Please be him.

Cole frowns. His eyes slide to me. He must sense my desperation because he switches the phone to speaker. “Frost?” I say hoarsely, stepping closer. “Frost? Are you there?”

I hear footsteps, a hiss, an intake of breath and then finally, “Hey, kid.”

It was Frost. It was him. Relief crashes into me and I exhale a breath.

“Where are you? Are you okay?” I ask quickly, taking the phone from Cole. “We tried to reach you but we couldn't. We thought, we thought..” I trail off.

“Hey kid, I'm good.” Frost's voice is shaky and low but comforting.

The strength starts to return to my knees and I slump into the couch. “We were so worried. I’m glad you’re okay. I’ll tell the others right away. What happened Where are you?” 

“Hang on," Frost responds, “Cole, are you here?”

Cole’s eyebrows jump up in surprise. “Hello, Mr. Frost.” He sits next to me.

“Good. This makes things easier,” Frost exhales. I exchange a look with Cole who looks as surprised as me. “Now listen to me, both of you. Elora, you remember the place where we dropped off Pigeon?”

I nod furiously before remembering that he can't see me. “Yes.” Pigeon was code name for Amanda, one of the kids who had stayed with us briefly, before we'd contacted her mother and set up a meeting with her at a park.

“Meet me there tomorrow. Two hours after dawn,” He states.

“Hold up.” Cole interrupts him. “What did you find out?”

“You'll know tomorrow,” Frost says calmly.

“Uh uh. I don't think so. We've been trying to track you down for days. You're not an easy man to find, Mr. Frost.” Cole points out.

“We can wait another day.” I glare at Cole.

Cole throws me a look. “Except, there's no way in hell I'm taking that chance. What happens if he disappears again? I've been after this for weeks. We lose him? It’s over for us. I’m not taking that risk.”

I open my mouth to retort but Frost speaks up. “He’s right, Elora. Unfortunately, I just have a few minutes right now so the whole story will have to wait.”

“Go ahead.” Cole urges him. “Tell us what you can.”

“I'm certain that someone close to Cruz or the Project is working in this group. Cruz needs to take a look at everyone who's working for her. They know things about the project, about the Red children - which is not public information,” Frost says sharply.

“You got in?” Cole asks tensely.

Frost releases a dry laugh. “No. I got close. As close as you can get. A lot of stalking, posing as a beggar near a bar, pretending to be drunk so they wouldn't think much about me.”

Cole sits up straighter. “Wait. Which bar? I can ask Cruz for backup now and we can zero in on them right now. Finish this before it starts.”

“Only if it was that easy,” Frost says, “They left. I overheard bits of their conversation when they thought I was still unconscious. It's a long story but I managed to bug the bar. I couldn't retrieve the recorder. But I will today.”

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