Chapter 10: Challenging Destiny

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The sun wasn't even up when Kakashi Sensei woke Sasuke and Hisako up to start training. They had a quiet breakfast, Kakashi sensei taught them how to build a rain collector out of a kunai and some rock and then they dove into training. Kakashi Sensei first concentrated on improving both of their speed. He said the Chidori will require both of them to become faster.

It was found out, probably from keeping up with her team, that Hisako was just slightly faster than Sasuke. However, even in just a span of a day, that changed and Sasuke had matched Hisako's speed. Hisako was impressed by how quickly Sasuke was improving, and it lit a fire under her as well. If he could improve that quickly, then so could she.

Their training quickly became a competition between the two of them to see who could improve the fastest. Who could be quicker than the other. They also sparred with Kakashi Sensei to improve their speed as well. By the end of the day, both Uchiha cousins were bruised and sweaty, but both were smiling.

The first day of training had felt like a success to them both. And for the first time in a long time, Hisako felt like she was reconnecting with her cousin. It's been so long since she's trained with him like this, and she didn't realize how much she missed this. How much she missed him.

The second day was a lot of the same and they didn't let up in their training at all. The third day rolled around in a blur, and Hisako was losing track of time. By the angle of the sun, she was able to determine that it was high noon. They had all decided to take a break and Hisako wandered away from the group, taking out her compass.

She let it direct her so she was looking in the southeast direction. Where the Leaf Village was. She saw the expansive forest that surrounded the Leaf Village, and she even saw a glimpse of the impressive Hokage Mountain Memorial from where she was. They were miles away from the village, and yet, there it was. The mountain range that Hisako had come to call home.

Her gaze dropped to the picture she had in her compass, a small smile on her face as she saw the picture of Neji and her together, happy. Spending this much time away from the village was definitely good for her. She found that she was beginning to miss Neji. The emotions that were so consuming didn't feel as overwhelming and she was starting to look forward to when they would return to the village so she could tell Neji of the adventures she's had here. The training she's done.

"It is a beautiful sight, isn't it?" Kakashi Sensei asked as he sat down beside Hisako.

Hisako looked to her Sensei and gave him a smile, "It really is. I'm glad life brought me here,"

Kakashi's gaze drifted toward the Leaf Village and his voice grew quiet, "Hisako, there's something we need to discuss. But, I feel that it would be best if we kept it between us for now,"

This grabbed Hisako's attention and she tilted her head to the side, "What is it, Sensei?"

"It seems that you have activated the Mangekyou Sharingan,"

Hisako blinked once, twice, then a third time in surprise, "The Man what now?"

"The Mangekyou Sharingan," Kakashi corrected turning his attention to Hisako, "the security cameras caught footage of it during the Forest of Death exam. I was notified of this development by Lord Hokage,"

"Wh-What's the Mangekyou Sharingan?"

"Think of it as the next level to the Sharingan. Rumor has it that an Uchiha has to kill their best friend in order to activate it. I assume it happened when you killed your cousin. However, because you were so young, your Mangekyou has lied dormant in you all these years. It wasn't until Orochimaru's Cursemark that your Mangekyou Sharingan was awakened,"

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