Chapter 20: Retrieval Squad

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"What do you mean the ANBU weren't present? They were supposed to prevent this from happening!"

"It's just as I said, M'Lady. I watched, with my Byakugan, the entire fight that happened between Sasuke and Hisako, and not a single ANBU was in the area to stop them." Neji repeated, his patience running thin as he watched Lady Hokage pace the length of her office.

He couldn't hear Lady Tsunade's words, but he saw her mouth move and knew she muttered Danzo.

Lady Tsunade stopped pacing, her back to Neji as she thought for a moment. "You did the right thing to come to me. If you had involved yourself in that fight, you would have been killed. Now we can address this matter appropriately. You said Sasuke went by choice... But Hisako is considered a hostage. And that is not acceptable. This entire situation is not acceptable. Be prepared to move if you're assigned to the retrieval mission."

"I request to be on the mission regardless."

Lady Tsunade paused, her honey brown eyes looking over her shoulder to stare at Neji for a long moment. Neji stood still under the Hokage's intimidating stare. Finally, she sighed.

"Fine. I'll ensure that you're placed on this mission."

Neji bowed in respect. "I appreciate it."

"Stay here, since you'll be on the mission. Shizune, summon Shikamaru. He'll be the Chuunin responsible for leading this mission."

"Shikamaru? But, M'Lady, he just got promoted. And this would be considered an S-ranked mission. Are you sure you want a new Chuunin to lead this mission? Wouldn't a Jonin be better suited?" Shizune argued, her voice gentle.

"We don't have a choice. Trustworthy resources are thin. He's the only one available with the proper rank to lead this mission. He'll have to do."

Lady Shizune's gaze was hesitant, but she bowed and quietly dismissed herself from Lady Hokage's office. Neji stood along the far wall, his arms crossed over his chest.

Thirty minutes later, an annoyed Shikamaru sulked into the office. His had his usually lazy look as he let out a loud, long yawn. Yet his new Chuunin uniform and vest were flawless and well kept.

"What is this all about? It's four in the morning," Shikamaru complained, his hands shoved into his pockets.

"Sasuke has decided to join Orochimaru, and Hisako is considered a hostage. There are reported to be four Shinobi traveling with them. According to Neji's report, they are all Jonin level. You are to lead the retrieval mission to bring both Sasuke and Hisako back to the village," Lady Hokage explained.

Shikamaru was silent, considering the Hokage's words. Neji stepped forward, and Shikamaru turned to look at him over his shoulder before turning back to the Hokage.

"If our enemies are Jonin level, then shouldn't a team of Jonin be taking on this mission?" Shikamaru asked.

"I would assign someone of higher rank if I could. Right now, you're the only one who can lead this mission. You are to create a team, and leave immediately."

Shikamaru let out a small sigh, "What a drag. My first mission as Chuunin, and I get assigned a mission like this? Alright."

Shikamaru paused, and looked over to Neji again, "I suppose you're coming?"

Neji gave him a grave nod and Shikamaru grunted in understanding, "Alright. I'll have a team ready in one hour, meet us at the gate then."


Hisako stood in a beautiful green meadow, with multi-colored wild flowers dancing in the gentle breeze. A scent of floral aroma met her nose and fluffy white clouds danced overhead on invisible winds. She knew this place. Had come here often. But, she didn't come here by choice this time.

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