Chapter Ten: [Wavepaw]

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Wavepaw slumps in her nest, watching Ivyhawk sort the last of ShadowClan's herbs into leaf wraps.

The RiverClan medicine cat seemed more lethargic than usual today, and his fur was dull and unkempt.

Wavepaw could percieve a steady level of tension emanating from her mentor,; it spiked whenever he moved.

She assumed it had something to do with Mallowwhisker's hacking cough that echoed from the sick bay, along with the fact that there were far many more herb bundles set aside for ShadowClan than usual.

The blue-gray apprentice sighs, smoothing down a tuft of her brown-patched fur.

Ivyhawk pricks an ear, glancing back at his apprentice through dulled eyes.

"You okay?" he mutters, his words slurring together.

"I guess so," Wavepaw replies glumly, picking at the loose moss of her nest.

The aftermath of her parents' recent argument had been substantial and worse than usual- they now refused to be on the same side of camp, and Snowflash's involvement only worsened the rift dividing the two sides of the family.

Ivyhawk sighs, remaining silent for a moment.

A troubled look dances in his eyes, and a prickle of tension bounces off him and stiffens Wavepaw's body.

He had become more withdrawn and silent lately, electing not to pepper conversation with his normal cynical remarks.

"I'm sorry about what happened. I guess things just...go the way they go."

Wavepaw nods blankly, peering back with a tinge of concern as Mallowwhisker's coughing starts up again.

The young warrior's case of greencough was worsening, and though Ivyhawk believed he wasn't in danger of dying, every day he seemed to grow closer to the brink.

Wavepaw's attention is drawn to the den entrance as Shellstar squeezes in, followed unsurprisingly enough by Snowflash.

Ivyhawk bristles defensively, and the blue-gray apprentice feels her mentor stiffen.

Shellstar, all the while giving Snowflash a smarmy look, flashes Wavepaw a very forced smile and saunters over to his medicine cat.

"Ivyhawk, there's been a change of plans," the RiverClan leader mews, a tinge of smugness showing in his amber gaze.

"What do you mean by that?" the golden tabby replies, cocking a skeptical brow.

Snowflash grins in a devious manner, rubbing up against Shellstar.

"What he means is that you're not taking the herbs to ShadowClan today. Wavepaw is."

Tension shoots out from Ivyhawk's body, and an uncomfortable Wavepaw feels a pit forming in her stomach.

She wasn't one to travel anywhere without her mentor and the last thing she wanted to do was go to ShadowClan, where Nightshade and the fraudster leadership were.

"What?" Ivyhawk protests, standing up and getting into his leader's face.

"Why can't I go? That's how it normally is, isn't it?"

Shellstar scowls, a little growl escaping his throat; Wavepaw had a feeling that her father almost wanted to fight Ivyhawk but was having second thoughts.

"Well, it's different this time," Snowflash pipes up, giving the RiverClan medicine cat an unimpressed look.

"Yes. Since Mallowwhisker is unwell, Wavepaw can go and you can take care of him." Shellstar's smug expression returns.

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