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" Oh Come on! You're such a baby."

Skai laughs as I buckle myself into her car. " You just tricked me." I say weakly.

"Yes..." She takes a step closer to me, and then another, and another. " But you loved every second."

"It was a pretty mediocre kiss." I joke.

"Then let me try again."

I smile as Skai closes the gap between us. Her lips are soft, and I still can't get over how good they taste against mine.


Skai pulls away from me slowly. "You gonna get that?"

Frowning, I look down at my phone. The stupid thing just ruined the moment.

"Yeah, yeah... Just let me check the..."

I look down at the caller ID and Suddenly my blood runs cold. " Oh, shit." I mumble. " It's my dad..."

"Answer it."

I look over at Skai warily, and then answer it. Immediately my dads voice floods through the phone. " And WHERE in God's name have you BEEN young lady!? I SPECIFICALLY told you to NOT run off and what do you do? RUN OFF! Get you're little teenagery rebellious ass home NOW."

"Dad, it's okay-"

"NO, it is not! WHERE has this behavior COME from, young lady? What happened to the LITTLE girl who preferred READING over running off and doing God KNOWS what with God knows who!"

"I just needed some air! Calm down!"

"CALM DOWN?! How dare you use that language with me. You will not tell ME to calm down. Amy, get your ass home NOW. You are grounded. End of discussion."

The phone clicks, and I'm left staring at a blank screen.

"Ughh! Fuck fuck fuck."

Skai looks up at me with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry. I feel like this is my fault."

"What? No. No, I asked you to come get me, you have nothing to be blamed for." I smile at her reassuringly, and then look down at my hands. "But I'll be lucky if I only get away with a week's punishment."

"Why's he so tense?"

I bite my lip. "It's just that my mom, um, she's in the hospital." "Oh my god! I'm sorry. What happened? Is she okay?" Skai buckles herself into the front seat, and places her hand on my knee. "Yeah, she's fine, I think."

"Oh. Well, okay."

"Really it's fine."

The Girl Who Chased StarsWhere stories live. Discover now