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The next morning, I wake up alone.

The only trace I can find of Skai is from a letter on a ripped piece of notebook paper on my desk, next to an uncapped sharpie. With a sad smile, I push the cap onto the marker and pick up the letter. Something black and skinny catches my eye, and I pick it up.

It's a black choker with a small silver star charm in the center. On the back of the charm, where no one would be able to really see, is something written in sloppy cursive with what looks like to be sharpie. On it is written, I love you, Starcatcher. For a confused moment I hold it in my hands, and then suddenly I remember the first night I met Skai in the park.

"You would be a star, all wild and crazy. And Paris would be a starcatcher, because she loves falling for the wild girls."

"Well then what would you be?"

"I'd be the kid on the Earth, wishing I could be up there with the stars."

I wipe a tear away and turn my attention back to the letter.


I don't even know how to start this letter. This is the most excruciating thing I've ever done. I'm writing this right now laying beside you, and I'm already crying because I miss you. I have no idea where I'm going to go but I promise to stay safe. I want you to promise me that you'll stay friends with Wolfe, because he is an amazing person and because he is great at helping people get through bad stuff, trust me. I know. Tell him that I'll always remember him too. That he is truly amazing. Also, I left you something to remember me by. I never really wore it but it's all I have on me at the moment. Honestly, it reminds me of us and I hope it can do the same for you. Okay, I don't want to leave you without telling you that you are the best person that I have ever met in my life. I don't think that I'll ever love anyone like I love you. And I don't read as much as you, but I have read Peter Pan, and if you've ever read it then you'll understand me when I say that you will always have my kiss. I hope one day I will have my shit all in order, and I might see you in a cafe or something. Again, I'm so sorry that I have to leave you... And I'll always love you Amy Rosaline Deaton. I love you, I love you, I love you.

-Skai Mitchell

. By the end of the letter I'm crying, and smiling. I have no idea why it is that I'm smiling, but I just am. I silently slide the choker around my neck and stare at my reflection in the mirror beside my dresser. I don't even care that it's not my style. I don't even care that it has a small tear in the back. All I care about is that it's her. It's a piece of Skai and it's probably all that I'll ever be able to keep.

As I stare at my own reflection in the mirror, I hear my father opening the front door, and calling for me.

I smile again, this time while wiping away the wetness at my cheeks, and then say quietly, in a voice that is just barely audible,

"I will always love you too, Skai. Lee. Mitchell."

And then I take a deep breath, clear my head, and turn away from my reflection. Walking steadily out of my room I whisper softly,

I will always love you, and I will never forget.



Lol guys don't freak, I am adding an epilogue, and I AM WRITING A SEQUEL SO the story is not technically over. So please don't kill me >__<

THANK YOU for reading my book, and again there is more to come! You guys rock and your comments are sooo fun to read. Uhmm. Anywhoo, have a good night! Or day, (:

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