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Five hours later, and I'm sitting in my living room next to Wolfe, trying not to cry as I explain everything to him.

Everything from Skai and I in the graveyard all the way up until our fight.

"Oh fuck."

I nod, and Wolfe looks down at his uneaten cold slice of pizza.

"You messed up, Amy."

"How?! I mean, I realize what I said was kind of mean, but it's true... Her family life sucks...I mean, everyone's got problems. My fucking mother has cancer for gods sake!"

"No... Amy. You messed up. Skai has been through...hell. It's not my place to tell you what happened to her, but she's allowed to have break downs every now and then...if I was her, I would never be able to leave my house."

"What happened?"

I'm overwhelmed with this sickening feeling.

What have I done?

"I can't tell you. Maybe Skai might, but... You really need to apologize, Amy."

"I didn't know... All Skai told me about was that her mom said mean things to her. That her mom supposedly hates her."

Wolfe gives me a pitying look.

"I need to go." I suddenly say.

"I need to go now. I've got to tell her."

Wolfe nods, and stands up to leave.

"Wait." I say. He turns around, and I wrap my arms around him.

"Thank you." I say. "For everything,"

Wolfe nods, and stands completely rigid. I can't help but laugh a little because of how tough he likes to pretend to be. "I'll see you at school, Amy."

I nod, and he smiles. "Um... I was wondering if I could..."

I laugh, and hand him the box of pizza that lays on the coffee table. "Just take it all. I'm not hungry anyways."

Wolfe smiles sheepishly, and takes the box. He mumbles a thank you and then walks out of the door. "See you in school tomorrow."

Almost immediately after Wolfe leaves, I get into my car and follow the directions he gave me to get to Skai's home. When I find it, I hold my breath.

Skai wasn't joking when she said she lived in a tattered home.

The roof was falling apart. The lawn was full of weeds and dead grass, and little toys were scattered everywhere.

When I got to the door, I found yellow notice slips lying around, and I find myself unable to swallow.

This is a mistake.

Skai wouldn't be home anyways.

I turn to leave, and then the door opens, and I'm face to face with a little kid.

"Um. Hi."

The boy has a sad look, and I feel my heart aching for him.

"If you're looking for Skai... She's not here."

"Oh... Um, okay. Thanks."

Before I can say anything else, The boy nods, and then closes the door, leaving me just as confused and upset as before.


Wolfe's voice is faint on the other end of the phone.

"She wasn't home. Do you know where else she'd be?"

The Girl Who Chased StarsWhere stories live. Discover now