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Skai pulls me through the crowd, and I feel myself suffocating. "Where are we going?!" I yell. Skai doesn't hear me, so she continues to lead me towards the far left of the room. We eventually reach a bar, and Skai bangs on the table to get the bartenders attention. Normally this would seem rude, but to me it makes sense considering that it's hard to get anyone's attention in this place.

" hi!" Screams the guy. " WHAT'LL YOU HAVE?!"

Skai looks over at me for a moment, and then hands the bartender a ten. "Two Jäger Bombs!!"

I look over at Skai. What the hell is a Jager Bomb?

After a moment, the bartender hands us two drinks in a plastic cup. I look down at mine to find a clear liquid inside. If there's one thing I know about alchohol, clear is never a safe sign.

"It's jager!" Yells Skai. " Jager and Red Bull mixed!"

I look at her quizzically, and then after a moments hesitation, taste the drink.

Oh man. Ooh man. That's really good.

Skai laughs, and then makes a downward motion with her hand, as if to say, "Take it slow."

I grin, and take another gulp. Skai takes my hand, and leads me over to a lady who is half naked and covered in the glow stuff. The lady smiles instantly at seeing Skai. "Skai! Hi! You here for some glow rage?!"

Skai nods, and then shoves me down. "HER FIRST!" She screams loudly.

The lady pulls out a bottle labeled Glow Rage, an opens it up. She looks at me for a moment, as if she's thinking really hard, an then says "Face? Or full body!?"

I can feel the Jäger kicking into my system. I look up at Skai, an find her staring at my body. She catches me looking at her and blushes. I smirk. "Full body." I say.

Thankfully, the full body paint actually means just a really cool pattern on your face and a couple streaks of the stuff curving along your stomach back and sides. It required taking off my top, but because of the alcohol messing with my mind, I didn't really mind all that much.

Skai got the same thing, and I couldn't help but stare at her perfectly fit stomach as she allowed the lady to paint green lines all down sides.

Of course she's fit. I think, she does that crazy ass cardio class.

Eventually, Skai stands up, and looks at me with a look I can't quite place. She takes my hand, and mouths the words "Lets dance."

I follow her onto the dance floor, and immediately Skai is dancing against me, and... to put it in the best way possible... It's fucking awesome.

She definitely knows what she is doing.

As we dance together, I realize that this is probably one of the coolest things I have ever done in my life. Not only am I dancing with the hottest, and most interesting girl here, but I'm at a freaking illegal Uv club, drinking some probably deadly drink and not giving a fuck about anything.

Oh this is awesome.

Skai turns around to face me, her hair is sticking to her head. She's kind of sweaty, but it's the kind of sweat that is hot, and not gross.

" hey." She mouths. I grin, and she steps away from me, taking a swig from her drink. Without a word, she takes my hand, and begins to lead me through the crowd again.

This time she takes me down a flight of stairs, and with surprise I realize that we're going underground.

The music grows fainter, but still loud. I loudly say to Skai, "where are we going?" She looks back at me with a goofy smile, and pulls open a door at the bottom of the stairs. We walk into a little lounge, complete with a sofa, and a lot of pictures on the wall. The pictures all appear to be people from the club, either dancing, or drinking, or just laughing. Some pictures revealed couples kissing or just looking at each other with doe eyes.

"What are we doing?" I ask.

Instead of answering, Skai turns around and looks at me.

The look in her eyes is hard to explain. It's like the seduction look she gave me earlier, except it's not... Not like she's trying to seduce me, but like, like, I don't know. Like I said, it's impossible to describe.

Skai starts to talk, but suddenly everything's hazy and the noises from upstairs are making the room pound a little, and everything just seems surreal.

Before she can open her mouth, I lean forward and press my lips onto hers. Skai wraps her arms around my neck and presses her hands into the back of my head. She kisses me back so suddenly that it kind of takes me off guard. This kiss is different from our previous kisses. It wasn't slow, it wasn't soft. It was sort of... Urgent, it was sloppy. It wasn't bad though, matter of fact it's probably the best kiss I've ever had in my life.

Not that I've had many.

Skai starts to walk backwards, with our lips still connected. She bumps into the sofa and falls backwards. The sudden unwelcome fall causes our teeth to bump into each other, and I pull away for a moment, unable to hold in a laugh.

Skai grins, and pulls me back down onto her. She flips us over, and then begins to run her hands along my body.

Jesus, I don't think I can describe how amazing this is.

Everywhere Her hands go, every part of me that she touches comes alive like ice and fire. It was unbelievable.

Skai runs her hands along the edge of my bra, and I can feel myself ignite, by now she's moved on from kissing my lips, and she's begun to kiss my neck.

I hold in a moan as Skai's fingers push underneath the bra, and then-


Skai jumps off of me, knocking into the small coffee table in front of us. We stare at the half naked boy standing in the doorway, an I'm desperately trying to control my heartbeat.

"Oh, fuck." He says with a small smirk. " Damn, lesbians."

Skai throws a random magazine at him and he ducks. "What the hell do you want?!" She yells.

"Oh yeah!" The guy says suddenly.
" you two lesbians better run. The cops are here."

Skai looks at me, and I realize how scared she is. The cops? Why were they here?

Skai pulls me up, and the boy runs back up the stairs.

" fuck fuck fuck!" She hisses. " Amy, we've got to go. Now."

I stand up, and instantly regret it as I fall back down. "Um... The floor is moving." I slur.

Skai curses again, and then suddenly the room is full of men dressed in black, screaming way to loudly at Skai and I.

"Put you're hands up! We are the NCPD! You are being arrested for participating in a variety of illegal activities!"

And that was how I ended up in Jail at two am, completely hammered, in only my jeans and a bra.

The Girl Who Chased StarsWhere stories live. Discover now