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" I can't see anything."

"Skai. Stop making that noise with your feet."

"oh, sorry."

I lead Skai blindly through the woods, the only light to aid us comes from the moon, and our phones. Our hands are loosely intertwined between us and our constant giggling and laughing is probably enough to scare off all the unfriendly creatures.


Skai pulls me forwards, and immediately I lean into her. She giggles as I playfully kiss at her neck. "At this rate we'll never get anywhere." she mumbles.

"then stop stopping." I reply, sliding my hands down to her butt.

"You're the one kissing me!"

I laugh, and pull the bottle of Beer from Skai's grasp. After a moment I take a swig, and then hand it back. "are you drunk enough, Amy?" She jokes.

"actually. I'm not."

It's true. The beer we had been sharing since we left the campsite was only putting me on a slight buzz. Nothing too serious.

"Oh shit! There it is!"

I point to a small building right in front of us, and Skai frowns. "it looks creepy..."

"No way, it's amazing. Paris decorated it the last time we were here. Look!"

I take hold of Skai's hand and drag her into the partially demolished brick house. The inside is full of graffitied names and images. An amazing display of weird statements and neon colors.

"we found it years ago." I watch Skai run her hand along the wall. Her eyes giving away the awe.

"It was just Paris and I on a camping trip one day. When she found the house she went strait to the nearest home depot and bought a load of spray paint. Look! I did that part."

I point to the left wall. The chipped bricks are painted yellow, and from years ago I had painted the words, "I am the motherfucking fox. - John Green"

Skai laughs loudly. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"it's from my favorite book." I mumble. "...I was twelve..."

Skai reaches for my chin, and pulls me into a kiss. "I'm glad you were a dork back then, too."

"Yeah, yeah."

I kiss her again, briefly, and then run from her at full speed, and head up the stairs.

"What the hell. Amy!?"

I laugh a giddy laugh. "If you want me come get me!"

I realize with a disappointing feeling that there is nowhere to hide. The whole upstairs is basically crumbled. No roof, practically no walls, and only three standing sides. Ivy and rubble litter the floors. I decide to hide behind the discarded metal filing cabinet.


Her response is almost immediate. "I am so not going up there!"

"You haven't even seen what's up here! Aren't you supposed to be all about the adventure?!"

I pause as I wait for her to respond. She does after a moment, and I realize that her voice is louder and closer.

"Adventure is not walking into creepy houses, and then getting trapped on the second floor, Amy! Come on! Let's go, I'm getting cold!"

The Girl Who Chased StarsWhere stories live. Discover now