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Wolfe barrels through my front door, leaving Alaska at the entrance, and scoops me up off the ground. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

"Put me down!" I squeal, "Stop!"

Wolfe giggles as he sets me down, and Alaska comes bouncing up beside him with a wrapped present in her hands. "Hey Cutie." she says.

I chuckle, and hug Alaska as she hands me the present. "Thanks, guys, you really didn't have to get me anything."

"Please!" Alaska laughs, "Wolfe's been talking about your birthday non-stop since the last month."

"Well, duh." He says, "Babe, she's eighteen now. She can finally sneak us into all the cool clubs!"

Alaska laughs, and Wolfe pulls her away to the kitchen, giving my mom the perfect opportunity to give me a hug.

"Happy birthday, honey."

"Thanks Mom."

My mother gives me a perfectly healthy smile, and my dad wraps an arm around her, winking at me. "Lucky your Mother got released early enough to catch your birthday, huh?" he says to me. I grin in response, and smile.

Two days ago my mother was released from the hospital, officially diagnosed as cancer-free.

we celebrated for three days, eating only out of tubs of ice cream and binge watching Netflix together.

"Guess whose back Bitches!"

I turn around just in time to see Wolfe and Alaska run to Paris, who stands in the doorway with her arms in the air. Lovably Dramatic as always.

"Excuse me young lady, language."

My mother frowns at Paris, and my sister rephrases, "Oh, sorry. Guess whose back, Bitches and mother!"

My father spits his soda onto the rug and laughs as my mom's frown lightens into a smile.


Paris rushes at me, and shoves a wrapped gift in my face. "Presents. I got you the best present."

"Wait! Chill out!" I laugh, "We have to eat Cake, and I want to swim first!"

Paris sighs dramatically, and then smiles broadly. "Alrighty."

Suddenly, in a jumble of skinny limbs and moppy hair, I see Wolfe jump into the backyard pool, splashing Alaska, and causing her to yell at him playfully.

The moment makes me smile, and I touch the choker on my neck subconsciously. A memory floods into my head of Skai, jumping from a cliff into the lake a year ago when we went Camping.

I lower my gaze to the floor, and fumble around in my pocket. I'm comforted by the old, wrinkled, folded up piece of notebook paper I always keep on me. Skai's letter.

"Hey. Are you gonna come swim?"

Wolfe, now sopping wet,  brushes my arm lightly, and smiles softly at me. He must know that I'm thinking about her because he looks at me with the 'concerned look'.

"Yeah, yeah." I shake my head to clear my thoughts, and smile at him. "I'm good."

Wolfe raises an eyebrow, and stares at me. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It's alright. I'm okay now."


I nod, and start walking outside to the pool, with Wolfe on my heels.

As I take off my shirt to get into the pool, I watch my friends laugh and splash water around at each other. Carefully, I set the choker on top of my clothes and cover it with a towel to make sure it doesn't get wet.

Paris splashes cold water onto my legs and I smile.

"Aren't you coming in?"

"Yeah, give me a sec."

Paris grins as I lower myself into the pool, and shoves me lightly. "You cool?"

I  nod, and then look around.

My parents are curled up together on a bench, smiling at each other and watching everyone goof off. Alaska is throwing little foam balls at a grinning Wolfe, who picks her up and flings her over his back. I laugh as she pounds his shoulders screaming Let me go! Let me go! My gaze comes back to Paris, who stares at me quizzically, and I smile. A real, genuine smile.

"Yes." I say.

"I'm feeling great."


Sorry for the sucky ending guys. Really I was just wanting to wrap up all the loose ends. Amy's mom, Alaska and Wolfe, and of course Paris. This chapter was mainly just Amy realizing that she had all these amazing people in her life, and finally being okay with the fact that Skai is gone.

Book Two comes out as soon as I can create a cover. :O It's going to be called "It All Leads to You." And SURPRISE It's going to be in Skai's pov, so I'm excited for that as well. 

Also, tell me if you enjoyed the book, everyone loves a little feedback. :)

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