Weapons and Invitation

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No one's POV
The Dragon Rangers came to the castle and there was the Music Crusher. Bella got everyone to Nashville. She looks back at the castle.

"Oh, Tuck. Please, be careful." Bella said, worryingly.

The Music Crusher saw the Dragon Rangers.

"Hello, fellow Rangers." The Music Crusher said, annoyed. "I see you came to see my destroy all of Auradon."

"That's not happening." The Fire Ranger said, throwing a fire ball but the Music Crusher caught it and throws it back at them, making them jump as the ground got burned.

"He has the same powers, remember. We need to think outside of the box." The Forest Ranger said.

The Music Crusher grew vines and caught the Dragon Rangers, wrapping the vines around them, squeezing them.

"We need a plan." The Water Ranger said.

The Fire Ranger remember what Bella said about their weapons.

Some people have to bring them out by calling them.

The Fire Ranger close his eyes and called his dragon sword, that appeared in his hand. The Music Crusher and the other Dragon Rangers didn't understand until the Fire Ranger slice the vines, free them.


The Fire Ranger looks at his sword, amazed by what happened.

"How did you?"

The Music Crusher furiously send rocks flying to them.

"Looks out!!" Air Ranger said.

The Fire Ranger ran to the rocks and cut through with the sword, making it break.

"Call out your weapons, Dragon Rangers" The Fire Ranger told his team.

The team calls their weapons and they appeared. The Water Ranger shot some arrows at the castle, causing the fire to burn out. The Music Crusher wasn't happy.

"It's time for a timeout, kids." The Music Crusher said, growing more vines but the Forest Ranger was quick and cut some off with his axe and the Earth Ranger turned some of them to stone. The Air Ranger used her hoops to trapped the Music Crusher and pulls him down.

"We got you now." The Fire Ranger said.

"That's what you think." The Music Crusher said before freezing the rings, causing them to set himself free.

"He has Bel... I mean the Ice Dragon's powers." The Forest Ranger said, panicked, almost saying Bella's name.

"Time to freeze, Frozen Rangers."

The Music Crusher tried to freeze them but the Fire Ranger blocked the ice, turning it into water. But the Music Crusher disappeared.

"Dang it. Not again." The Fire Ranger said, angrily that their villain got away.


The Haywoods were in the house, in Brody's room, thinking of a plan. They were all disappointed and tired.

"Thay was not good." Tuck said.

"We really need to think this." Brody said.

"We definitely didn't think he had Bella's Ice Dragon's powers." Dylan said.

"But he has all of the Dragon Rangers powers. How can we defeat him when he can control fire, water, the forest, the earth, air and now ice?" Cassidy question.

"We can do this. Tomorrow, we find him and fight him." Tuck said.


"We can defeat him." Chloe said.


Then a magical invitation scroll appeared. Tuck takes it, opens it, and reads it.

"I can't believe this

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"I can't believe this." Tuck said.

"I know, we're going to a Royal Ball." Brody said, excitedly.

"Not that. Bella never told me her full name is Bellatrix Rosetta." Tuck said, annoyed.

"You never told her that you were the Fire Ranger until she found herself so... you're both even." Dylan said.

"But what about the Music Crusher?" Chloe asked.

"We can handle one night not thinking about any problem." Brody said.

Then Beau and Bailey came into the room with excitement. Tuck quickly hide the invitation.

"Guess what?" Bailey asked.

"What?" Cassidy asked.

"We're going to a Royal Ball in Auradon this Saturday night and we're going to meet the Dragon Rangers." Beau said.

The kids got worried but fake being excited.

"Just one question, are we meeting Maleficent or who is this Queen Maleficent Bertha?" Bailey asked.

"Oh, it's just Mal. Her full name is Maleficent Bertha." Tuck said.

"So Bella trust you with everything but her full name." Brody jokes. Tuck was annoyed and snaps his fingers, making Brody jump because his made his pants on fire by his butt. Brody ran into the bathroom and puts out the fire with his powers before Beau checked on him.

"What just happened?" Beau asked his kids.

"No idea / I don't know." They lied as Brody came back with wet pants.

After dinner, the siblings came to Tuck's room. Bella came in through the window, Tuck helps her up.

"Did your parents saw you?" Brody questioned.

"No, too busy setting up the ball." Bella replied.

"We have a problem, Princess." Tuck said.

"I know. I tried to convince my parents but they already send invitations. And of course, they used all our full names. I hate it." Bella said.

"Actually, I think it's cute." Tuck said, making Bella blush.

"Hello? How are we supposed to be in two places at once?" Dylan said getting their attention.

"Right. I could do a spell to make holograms of you so our parents don't notice." Bella said.

"I'm not sure about that. How many people will be at the ball?" Cassidy asked.

"I'm not sure. It's usually hundreds, if not thousands." Bella replied.

"That is enough to hide us. Once we're the Dragon Rangers, no one will notice a thing" Cassidy said.

"Casey, that is... genius." Brody said.

"Really, what's going happen when daddy wants to introduce us to them." Tuck points out.

Bella gets a thought. "I can say that I'll introduce you guys to... well, you."

"That can work." Dylan said.

"Not, we just need to sort out one thing. You're outfits." Bella said.

"We're good Bella." Brody said.

"I mean the Dragon Rangers."


Looks like the Haywoods need to be in two places at once. Let's see how this goes.

Note, on the invitation, I searched Ben and Mal's full names.

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