Saving the Ranch

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Hello Unicorn Stars
I am so sorry for the delay, I've been very busy, but I have time for a new chapter.

Bella's POV

I was wondering around Auradon, enjoying the beautiful day, when I stopped walking and heard something behind me but there was nothing.

"Wha-?" I panicked and found that my legs were covered in vines that started to climb my body. My powers didn't effect on it, I tried to scream but my mouth was covered and everything went black.


I opened up my eyes, my vision was still a blur but I was myself in an abandoned warehouse with my hands tied up around a pole with vines that was frozen. As I struggled getting out...

"Sorry, Princess. You're not going anywhere," A voice said.

I looked and was the Boone in his Music Crusher uniform but with his mask off.

"What do you want?" I questioned, nervous but didn't showed it.

Boone chuckles evilly, "I know that you know that the Dragon Rangers are the Haywood children. It would be a shame if their brother's girlfriend/their best friend... is destroyed,"

"You don't know what you're talking about?" I said, not letting my guard down.

"Oh, I do. And I also know that your little cowboy boyfriend will come and save you with his siblings," Boone said.

"Oh, so that's your plan, lock me in her until they save me? Impressive, " I said, sarcastically.

"Well, not exactly. It would be ashamed if their home... got destroyed. Along with their instruments and every memory they have with their mother who unfortunately passed away. Would definitely break a little girl's heart, " Boone said, evilly smirking.

"No," I panicked.

"Yes. Too bad, you're not going to warn them," Boone said before creating a snow ball, he drops it on that floor and ice shards appeared slowly coming towards me.

He placed his masked on before turning on a monitor.

Tuck's POV
I was in the Dragon Rangers lar with the others, trying to find away to protect the barn...

"Maybe we could place a barrier around our house?" Dylan suggested.

"We could... if we weren't trying to expose us. I know we live in the countryside but it still would be obvious," Brody points out.

"So what now? We can't wait any longer, it's been a week since the ball and we still don't have a plan to protect the house," Cassidy said, anxiously. We all looked at her worryingly, "Sorry. I just want to lost the house or the ranch. It'd be like losing mom all over again,"

"You're not the only one who feels like here, Casey. We all do but we need to act fast," I said, giving her a hug before a black beatle appears, showing us an image of the Music Crusher/ Boone.

"Well... well... well... I'm sure you figured out who I am,"

"We do," We all said, annoyed.

"Well, you won't be annoyed for long," Boone said before moving, revealing Bella tied up in the background.


"You better come your little princess," Boone said, evilly.

"No! It's a trap! Guys-" Bella said yelled before Boone turns off.

We started to panic.

"This is bad," Chloe said.

"We gotta save Bella, again," Tuck said.

"Wait, you heard Bella said, it's a trap. Boone might be trying to get us away from the ranch so he can destroy it. That's why he kidnapped her," Dylan said.

"You're right. We need to make a plan," Brody said.

"What if Tuck goes save Bella and we protect the ranch?" Cassidy suggested.

"Even if I can, I'll need help somehow," Tuck said.

Then Brody remembers something, "Tuck, remember when Bella took you, Jo, Amrita, Liam, and I to Avalor,"

Tuck looks but then gets the idea, "Brody, you're a genius,"

The others looked at them like crazy, "Please tell me that you're seeing things," Cassidy said, shocked.

"A few weeks ago, Bella took us to Avalor for a project she had to do about the Scepter of light and learn how to use it, including how to make things vanish from light," Tuck explained.

"Maybe, we can create that the house disappeared," Brody said.

"That is smart, but how can we? We don't have a magic scepter?" Dylan asked.

"Lucky, Bella create a chemistry liquid that can. It won't last long but maybe it can last long enough for us to save Bella," Tuck said.

"Ok, Cassidy, and I will stay by the house after we turn it invisible," Dylan said.

"And we'll go save Bella," Chloe said.

"Alright, guys. Let's save Bella, again." Brody said.

Tuck and Brody came to Auradon Prep and got Bella's project and gave it to Dylan and Cassidy. The next day, the house was empty, Beau left for work, Bailey was at the store and the kids were supposed to be at school but come back to the house and transform into the Dragon Rangers. They were standing outside of the house.

"Let's make our house vanish," Cassidy said.

Chloe took the bottle, flew to the top and purred a few drops of the chemistry onto the house and it started to disappear. The house, barn, and ranch was completely invisible.

"Ok, we'll go get Bella. Cassidy. Dylan. Be careful and make sure Boone is far from the house as possible," Tuck said.

Tuck, Brody, and Chloe hoped into their motorcycles and headed to save Bella, while Dylan, and Cassidy got ready to protect the house.

Finally a new chapter, hopefully I'll write more. I am sorry for the long wait. I'll still alive and on wattpad, but I've got into some Harry Potter books and fan art, it's incredible. And I have a few ideas but hopefully they'll be on so please understand if you don't see more stories. Also, I've found what I want to do for the rest of my life, which is a mixture of art, fashion and party gift planner, I'm not 100% sure but we'll see.

And I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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