Total Divas

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Total Divas(Your intro)

You: I'm WWE diva, Cora Kaufman, but in that squared circle everyone knows me as-

*Scene changes to your theme playing as you walk out with the crowd cheering, the Divas Championship around your waist*

"From Columbus, Ohio, Gemma Bliss!"

*Then showing you doing different moves, like, an "elbow drop" your "Twisted Bliss" your "Bliss Knee" and submissions moves to different divas then you win the match*

You: And in November 2012, I made my return after injury and created the team you know as...The S.H.I.E.L.D

"Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta..SHIELD!"

*You in the front, Dean and Seth behind you, and Roman behind them as you four stand at the top of the stairs. Walking down, fans touching all of you as you walk down to the ring*

"Gemma Bliss, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, The S.H.I.E.L.D!"

*Getting to the Barricade, Dean being the one to help you stand on top of the barricade, then you jump down, watching Dean hop over, Seth diving over and Roman stepping over the barricade then all four of you surrounding the ring*

You: Dean, Roman, Seth and I all met back in 2012 in FCW and now the four of us are here together in WWE

*In the ring, you four have your fist together in a circle, starring deep into the camera*

You: And I am a coach down at the NXT Performance Center, helping upcoming talent in NXT and turning them into the best for the future of WWE

*You being with men and women talent in the NXT Arena/Performance Center, training with other coaches. Watching them do the drills, you give examples of different moves*

You: And lastly, I don't know what the other divas are thinking, but I'm not mad that after 11 months the Bellas came back, I'm really happy. Nikki and Brie were first to the women's locker room to welcome me into the company, they were there when I first won the divas title, so I'm just really glad that the twin magic duo is back

Back to reality

You: Come on. Don't tell me you're mad that the twins are back, Ariane.

Ariane: I'm serious. For the past 11 months, those twins have been gone, Trin and I top of the women's tag division

Trinity: And how come you're so calm? I mean, aren't you and April mad, too?

You: That's different. April and I aren't an official tag team like you two. Plus my tag matches are mostly mixed-tag matches with the guys

Trinity: Point taken...

Ariane: Forget the twins. What's up Mr. Lunatic?

Total Divas

You: Mr.Lunatic, being Dean, but his real name is Jonathan Good...And he has and I mean has a very high sex drive, so whenever Jonathan know, he has women over in his hotel. And since All of the rooms that The S.H.I.E.L.D stay in are next to each other, all me and the boys hear is Jon and his lady friend..all night

Back to reality

You: Nothing different. Still the same thing. He gets a boner, he has a woman

Trinity: If my Jon and Jon were gay, they would be perfect for each other

*All three of you laugh, knowing it would possibly be true, feeling your phone vibrate in your back pocket. You pull it out, seeing that Natalie Neidhart was calling after leaving you multiple messages. You say that you will see Trin and Ari later, walking away you answer the phone, total diva crew follows you around*

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