Gemma vs Kaitlyn

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*Even though the guys had their tag match later, Dean still wanted to be ring-side for your match against Kaitlyn, mostly since you and Dean sorta have a relationship story on-screen. When it came to you and Kaitlyn having a match together, Kaitlyn was the one getting booed as you got cheered. Kaitlyn's theme plays, the crowd booing her as she walks out*

"The following is a Diva's match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first. From Houston, Texas, Kaitlyn!"

*You stretch your arms while waiting for Kaitlyn to finish her entrance, Dean watching you from behind. You fix your jacket once you notice Kaitlyn is in the ring*

"Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...SHIELD!"

*The crowd instantly turns from boos into cheers, Kaitlyn rolling her eyes. Walking through the curtain, Dean follows behind you as you two stand at the top of the stairs in the WWE universe. You and Dean start walking down the stairs, feeling fans touch your arms along the way*

"And her opponent. Accompanied by Dean Ambrose, representing The S.H.I.E.L.D., from Columbus, Ohio, Gemma Bliss!"

*You jump over the barricade, Dean doing the same. You walk around the ring before sliding up on the apron, you get up on the middle turnbuckle, the crowd cheering more for you as you get in the ring, standing across from Kaitlyn*

Ring the bell!

*Kaitlyn runs at you, taking you down with a "Clothesline" but getting on top of you, punching you rapidly until the ref pulled her off of you, you rolling out of the ring with Dean catching you as you check for blood*

Kaitlyn: I should be the one facing AJ at WrestleMania! Not you, you bitch!

*Your head snaps up at Kaitlyn, Dean lets go of you, Kaitlyn's face from confidence to horror as she realizes that she's done*

Crowd Chant: You fucked up! You fucked up! You fucked up! You fucked up! You fucked up! You fucked up! You fucked up!

*You slide into the ring, Kaitlyn backing away as you walk towards, the ref stopping you from getting any closer. You put your hands, slowly backing away from Kaitlyn, who's in the corner, before running at her, hitting her with a "knee" right to the face, sending her right down on her ass. Putting your foot under her chin, applying pressure til the ref's count of 4, letting go. You pull Kaitlyn to the middle of the ring, covering her*


*Kaitlyn gets her shoulder up, you stand up and grab her by the hair, pulling her up to her feet, and you whip her into the ropes. Kaitlyn bounces off the ropes, running back to you, you knocking her down with a "Single-Leg Drop-kick", watching Kaitlyn roll out the ring, you stand up, glancing at her before running to the ropes, bouncing off, you go through the middle rope, knocking Kaitlyn down again with a "Suicide Dive"*

After commercial break

*Coming back live, Kaitlyn had you in her version of the "Black Widow" shouting at you to tap and this is how you'll lose at WrestleMania. Dean starts slapping his hands against the apron, the crowd starts clapping their hands as well*

Crowd Chant: Gemma! Gemma! Gemma! Gemma! Gemma! Gemma! Gemma! Gemma! Gemma! Gemma! Gemma! Gemma!

*You start fighting back against Kaitlyn, hitting her multiple times in the head, before she falls off of you, you moving into the corner. Dean checking on you, and out of the corner of your eye, Kaitlyn running at you. You move out of the way, Kaitlyn hitting hard against the turnbuckles, You get in front of Kaitlyn, kicking her over and over again in the stomach until she falls*

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