Last Workout Before Mania(Very short)

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*In the dimly lit gym, the sound of clanging weights and rhythmic breaths filled the air. You were getting your last workout in before Sunday. You moved through your routine with precision, your muscles flexing with each lift. You paused between sets, your breath steadying as you glanced at Matthew, who was finishing a set of bench presses. He racked the bar and smiled at you, his eyes filled with pride and encouragement. Both of you started to get sweaty, Matthew being the more sweaty one since he started his workout before you started yours*

Matthew: How ya feeling?

You: Workout wise? Pretty good. Mania wise? Nervous and excited

Matthew: Yeah sure, you're 1-1 at Mania, but Sunday, you ain't gonna lose. You're gonna walk out of MetLife Stadium 2-1 and with the Divas Championship

You: Yeah, but the match isn't going to be good...

Matthew: So? You've had bad matches before and the crowd stilled loved it. Good match, bad match, you're gonna kill it either way

You: Thanks

Matthew: No problem, babe

*Matthew pulls you up to your feet, kissing your cheek. As you and Matthew were walking to another part of the gym, JoJo and Natalie walked over, their eyes mostly on Matthew*

You: Hi, ladies. Matthew, these are the new divas, Natalie and JoJo. Ladies, this is Matthew, my boyfriend

*Natalie and JoJo shake Matthew's hand as they look over at you*

Natalie: You two are together?

Matthew: Yep. We recently just got back together

JoJo: You two are cute together

You: Thanks, JoJo

Natalie: So Matthew, are you going to be at Wrestlemania?

Matthew: Front row with Cora's parents. Gotta cheer my girl on

*Matthew ruffles your hair, you end up hitting him in the chest before going back to your workout, taking glances at Natalie and JoJo as they stayed and talked to Matthew for a bit before leaving, Matthew taking a breath a relief*

Matthew: They're the newbies?

You: Yep

Matthew: And all you divas have to deal with them?

You: Every damn day

Matthew: Yikes. Must be tiring 

You: It is. Even Nattie is tired of babysitting them everyday

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