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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Andrew DeLuca x reader ♡
𝕎𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: Spoilers season 17!!

Your body could only shed tears continuously at all those moments where you thought about him, when you were together. You still couldn't understand anything, things were so good, everything was so beautiful. You and Andrew had even come to live together, having him with you every day all the day seemed like a dream. He did everything to make you the happiest girl in this world, it was enough for him to see you smile and everything became more pleasant for him. It was the same for you.

If you think back to the beginning of your relationship, you would never have imagined getting this far, let's say you weren't quite the each other's favorite people.

And now you couldn't imagine a life without him. You could barely be alone when he came home late from work, and now you had to get used to never seeing him again. He died trying to do what he loved the most, saving lives.

You spent the days lying on the bed, holding his pillow and still feeling his scent, as the tears kept coming down from your eyes. You just missed him too much.

The ringing of the bell managed to bring you back to reality. You tried to wipe away your tears and try to look presentable enough, climbed out of bed in one of his hoodies, and headed for the door.

You didn't want to deal with anyone at the moment, hearing another person comfort you or hearing about how amazing Andrew had been would only make your mood worse, but luckily when you opened the door you saw Carina. You got used to having her around by now, she came to see you every day.

"Come in" you told her as she set her purse down on the sofa, turning back to you for a better look. You weren't okay, at all, it was obvious.

"How are you feeling?" you sighed at her question, but you knew she was referring to your health. Yes, for a few days you were starting to feel nauseous, probably from stress or the shock of your body.

"Now I've just an annoying headache, I'm just..." you stopped, unable even to finish the sentence, feeling a strange sensation, your vision became blurred, you lost your balance letting you fall.

"Y/n!" Carina managed to catch you in her arms in time avoiding the impact on the floor. "Can you hear me? Y/n, please!" she laid you down on the sofa, seconds later you had already come to your senses.

"Oh God, you scared me to death" she sighed with relief to see you awake. "Y/n..."

"If you're going to say that it would be better to do tests in the hospital, no... I'm just tired-"

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something else, for a while now, but I didn't know how to tell you..." you stood up sitting up, you noticed a strange expression on her face.

"See, your symptoms exactly mirror those of a pregnancy..." she just wanted to try not to hurt you more as she said it.

"No, that's- I- I'm not" in your mind you were looking for all the possible proofs to deny it, but unfortunately, thinking about it deeply, it all seemed so frighteningly true.

"Nausea, breast enlargement, and now fainting, these are the classic initial symptoms that appear" you looked at her continuing to think deeply. This whole period had completely destroyed you that even pushed you to ignore everything, how is this possible?

Carina walked over to the purse she had set down, pulling something out of it. "That's why I think you need to take a test, at least we'll be sure" she handed it to you, but before taking it you stared at it for a few seconds. A big part of you kept repeating ʼI can'tʼ, but the other part deep down wanted to know, so you made up your mind without thinking twice, and headed for the bathroom.

Every second of waiting killed you more and more, then when the result finally came out you didn't move from there. Carina came in having noticed that you were taking longer than necessary, finding yourself in front of the mirror with a tear running down your cheek and falling near the point where the test with the positive result was placed. She couldn't help to not hold back the tears too, indeed it was her brother, and now it was his baby who would grow up without a father.

"Y/n... okay, look at me" you had no choice but to listen to her.

"You're pregnant. You're gonna have a baby. You have my nephew or niece in your womb, your and Andrew's baby!" her voice broke slightly at the end. You knew this was a wonderful thing, but it scared you so much, what if you weren't able to?

"Without him I can barely face a day, how could I raise his baby? I just want him with me back... I want him with our baby..." the tears kept coming out, but Carina wiped them from your face trying to reassure you.

"Listen to me, I know you miss him a lot, I miss him too, and I know this hurts. Yeah he's not here, but look, I have a beautiful girlfriend, and we'll get married, and now you'll have a baby! Knowing my brother I know he would have been the happiest person in this world, and certainly the best father" you laughed spontaneously at the thought, he loved kids, and kids loved him.

"And I will always be there for you, whenever you need me, I promise you" before you could begin to sob you hugged her tightly.

"You're not alone Y/n" she whispered to you as she wrapped her arms around you making you feel safe.

"Thank you" you said taking deep breaths.

This pregnancy has had its ups and downs, it was demanding, you made a lot of effort to be able to move forward in the best possible way. The beginning was the hardest part, but then when you felt that baby growing inside you and starting to move, you felt indescribable emotions, you couldn't wait to know him. Or her. Yes, you didn't want to know the sex.

Carina had kept her promise, she had been on your side every single second, in pregnancy, in moments of panic, when you felt bad, anything. Sometimes she told you some stories about when she and her brother were little, you liked listening to them, even if often she repeated how many tantrums Andrew threw, hoping your baby won't inherit, but you amused.

Then when the birth time came it seemed like you couldn't figure anything out anymore. When your waters broke you were in a restaurant with Carina, and, continuing to remain calm, she helped you get into the car, doing as soon as possible to get to the hospital, while you could only scream in pain excruciating that had taken over your whole body. You almost thought you couldn't make it, it hurt so much, and when they laid you on the bad you felt an enormous need to push. Carina told you over and over to wait, but this stupid baby was stubborn.

But when that moment comes, everything ceases to exist for you, there's only the sound of crying that marks the birth of a new life, and it literally melts your heart.

"It's a boy!" Carina exclaimed as she took him. She checked him for a moment and then finally placed him between your arms.

"He's... perfect" there were no right words, you kept looking at your son with a smile and shining eyes.

"Yes he is" Carina sat next to you.

"Damn. Look at him. It's a baby Andrew" you approached him to kiss softly his forehead, enveloping you in that perfume.

"He has his eyes" Carina added while you both you soften more and more at the sight of him. It could have lasted forever, today you would have promised to yourself that you'd done anything to give your son a wonderful life.

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