❛ 𝘈𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘺𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘺 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦 ❜ | 𝑴𝙖𝙧𝙠

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Mark Sloan x Grey!reader♡
𝕎𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: none

You had just left the locker room to finally go home, you were just waiting for Meredith. As you scrolled through the messages on your phone you sensed someone else's presence, and as soon as you looked up you found yourself in front of Mark Sloan. Well, that wasn't new, he was always wherever you were, he never left you alone for a moment. He flirted with you whenever he could, almost embarrassed you, but you got used to it by now.

"Hey, can I bring you home?" he approached with his usual smirk on his face.

"No thanks, I'm waiting for Mer" you went back to checking your messages.

"And if I bring in a restaurant?" when he wants he gets so stubborn.

"I'm not really hungry"

"Then... a little walk?" you sighed smiling. In fact, if he would have continued like this you would have given in.

But why not, I mean he's hot, and je's also an excellent company...

"Hey, come on" Meredith came out of the locker room. Just in time.

"Bye doctor Sloan" you greeted him taking Meredith by the arm to drag her away from there before she wasted any more time with Cristina.

"Finally" you sighed rolling your eyes.

"How's it going with your...?"

"Shut up, he's my nothing" you shut her up as you walked towards the car. She looked so amused selling you like that.

"You know, he used to flirt with me too" Meredith said as you got into the car.

"Really? And...?"

"Well, I think I'd have accepted if Derek hadn't punched him straight in the face before he even finished to talking with me" she laughed at the memory. You laughed with her.

"When did all this happen?" you asked curiously.

"It was before you came here, you should have been there"

"Oh yes. But maybe it's been better like this, cause now you and Derek are good together" you said thinking about it.

"Yeah, maybe... so you can have him all for you"

"Shut up!" oh you know she'll annoy you for a long time.

Before she could start to say any more you turned on the radio hoping to find a decent song, then stared out the window for a while.

"Hey" you got Meredith's attention.


"Why did Derek punch him?" you asked confused since you were aware that those two were best friends.

"Well... he slept with his wife, Addison..."

"Wait, what?? Why didn't I know it?!"

"It's happened a long time ago, nobody talks about it anymore" your sister said. You would never have imagined this.

Well, you knew that making mistakes was human, things had now been resolved, but he had always remained the same that he knew what he wanted.

Without even realizing it, you had already arrived home, you got out of the car and as soon as you entered, you both threw yourself on the sofa, exhausted.

The next morning you arrived at the hospital together, and as soon as you had got ready and divided, punctually like every morning, you were greeted by Mark who brought you a coffee.

"Good morning Y/n"

"Good morning" you just took the coffee and drank it right away. It was all you needed.

"You know, you're prettier with loose hair" the fact that he noticed it caused you a little smile, usually you always kept them tied in a ponytail, you hated them.

"Thank you" he said goodbye one last time before leaving to go to a patient.

"Doctor Sloan!" he spun around as soon as he heard your voice calling him.

"Yeah?" he came back to you.

"I, ok, well, you... you're a very good perdon..." his attention increased. "And you're also really handsome, but... I don't know if-"

"No no no, don't finish that phrase, please" you stopped to listen to him, you had no other choice. "You can't say that you don't know if it con work if we didn't even tried. You're beautiful, you're smart, and I really like you, I exactly know what I want, and I won't stop. So if you'll say yes I'll do everything to make you happy and make it work" those words made you feel a weird sensation... he had managed to hit you. No one had ever told you these things. Now you didn't even know what to answer.

"Then Y/n... can I bring you out this time, please?" you laughed at the way he asked you.

"I'd love to" you smiled at him as your gazes met for a moment, until his pager rang.

"See you later baby"

"I can't wait" you watched him walk away.

A pleasant date with a man completely crazy about you awaited you tonight.

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