Me and my life

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"Salam Umar how was your day?" Her mothers question was usual and Umar had the same answer every day " Alsalam-u-Alikum mom. same day mom it's the same every day." Her mom knew his day was not good at school as usual. Her family had a complicated life. They had been living in NewYork since they were married. Umar went in his room shoving the door close, he lived in a wealthy family with much bigger problems. He changed his clothes and performed ablution (wuzu). He spread his prayer mat and started to perform his Zuhr prayers. This was the only thing in his life that pleased him and calmed him. He felt all his hastert and anger with every one go away and his heart fills with the love and fear for his Lord, the fear doesn't make him feel weak but made him strong. He finished his prayers and went down stairs for lunch. He couldn't go out cuz that was useless. He had no friends and no one seems stay close to him. He just went to his bedroom and opened his laptop. He had his friends on Skype. Just a bunch of people who cared for the world and especially Islam. He had a messed up life. His family always had problems. The night was now again peacefull the stars bright. Umar sat on the window doing his usual star gazing. He loved to admire Allahs creation. He heard a knock on his door. He answered the door and found his mother on the door. She said " Umar my son go to sleep you have school tomorrow." Umar gave her a big nod but that was not enough to satisfy her she asked " whats the matter Umar you look down today?" Umar sighed and said " its nothing mom." It wasnt the apropriate answer but enough for her mother to understand. He closed the door and went in his bed. He resited some verses and took the name of Allah. With that he went to sleep

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