hate to be lame!

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AN: for background info, in this one-shot, taylor and steven decided to just be friends after what happened in cousins in season 2 because he was leaving for princeton and they decided to just "talk" like belly and conrad did at the beginning of season 2

this is also a longer one-shot :)


"wait, who's david?" steven asked taylor over facetime when she subtly mentioned a guy named david.

taylor looked away from his eyes as she told him, "oh, he's the guy i'm going to prom with. it's not super serious right now, but i do really like him.

steven frowned. he was the one supposed to be taking taylor to prom. not the stupid annoying guy that taylor was apparently interested in. "oh, really? i thought you were going with belly."

"i am," taylor said, "but david's my date."

steven nodded. "so, what's he like?" he asked bitterly.

"what do you mean?" taylor asked suspiciously. "why does it matter to you? you're dating that girl-- annaleese, right?"

steven sighed. "right, right," he lied. the truth is... he'd entirely made up 'annaleese' to make taylor say something about wanting to actually date him, but it had completely backfired. "i'm just wondering what he's like 'cause we might get along, ya know? maybe be buddies when i come back for the summer."

taylor rolled her eyes. "whatever. that's definitely not happening."

"why not?" steven asked flirtily. "don't think you'll be with him anymore by then?"

taylor rolled her eyes and looked at him with annoyance. "no, i'll definitely still be with him. he's the best guy i've ever dated."

steven choked on a laugh. he'd heard that before... when she had been dating milo the year prior. "oh, really? does he know your middle name?"

"would you shut up?" taylor asked. "you're literally dating someone else. stop trying to flirt, steven. you're horrible at it."

"yeah, we'll see about that," steven whispered to himself.

"what?" taylor asked. "steven, speak up. you're mumbling."

steven shook his head. "oh, nothing. uh, i've gotta go. talk to you later, taylor."

"chow," taylor said, not fighting the urge to hang up.

seconds later, steven was on the phone with his little sister. "belly! belly, when is your prom?"

belly answered the facetime call and side-eyed her brotehr suspiciously. "april sixteenth. why?"

"i-- uh-- i'm coming to visit some of my friends that weekend," steven lied. "oh, and taylor forgot to tell me. what color dress is she wearing?"

belly eyed him suspciously and said, "royal blue. why?"

steven shook his head. "i was just wondering. she's been talking about it a lot. is she actually dating that david guy?"

"yeah," belly said. "she really likes him, actually. i think he's probably the best guy she's ever dated."

steven turned his face away to roll his eyes at the comment. "oh, cool. tell her i wish her the best. see ya at easter. byeee."


when belly and taylor arrived at the school with jeremiah and david, they immediatley went to the dance floor after socializing with some of their other friends.

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