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I stood on the podium looking down in the crowd as I received my trophy, my first an hopefully not only, in Formula 1. I scanned the crowd as I had done so many times before, holding on to that little hope that maybe my dad would surprise me in the crowd, even if he was in America at the moment, right I was just being stupid there's no wa- OH NEVERMIND THERE HE IS, I felt a wide smile grow on my face as I spotted the familiar figure at the edge of the crowd, where the cameras wouldn't spot him, where he was practically invisible to the people around him as just another fan.

As I found my way back the the garage, walking side-by-side with Lewis I felt excitement growing in my chest, in between two busy schedules I hadn't seen my dad in over two months, the longest I had ever been without him. He was my whole world, the person I grew up loving, the one I danced around the kitchen with, singing and cooking. 

Lewis and I entered the garage to cheers, the team celebrated the double podium, I felt like I was on top of the world. During the celebrations I peeled away from all the excitement as soon as I could and pulled out my phone, selecting the top number.

Calling: Father Dear

The call was answered nearly straight away.

"Hello father," Yes, I called my dad father, I had started one day because I thought it was funny, now it just felt wrong to call him 'dad'.

"Hello love." My dads voice replied over the phone.

"I thought you were in America." I said while smiling.

"I had some spare time and thought I would come support my child." Wow, I will never get over how slow this man spoke.

"Did you get tickets? Or do you need a family pass thing, whatever they call it." I spoke at about double the speed.

"There was only grandstand tickets left when I bought them."

"Alright, where are you, I can probably get my hands on the right pass." I proposed.

"Uh, somewhere?" My dad replied, he was useless in directions apparently, ha, well I guess he useless in all but one direction.

"Very helpful." I sarcastically replied. "I'll find you later, I'm going to go try and get my hands on that pass. Love you."

"Love you too."


I ended the phone call so we wouldn't be saying goodbye over and over again. I found my way to Toto Wolff, my boss.

"Hey uhh, do you have one of those family pass thingys, my dad is here and I didn't know." I addressed Toto, it still felt wrong to address someone by their first name, so I got by by not using their name at all.

"Yeah, sure I can get you one, for Harry Styles, yes?" The Austrian man replied. He was like the only one on the team, scrap that, in the world who knew who my dad was because I had to sign the contract with my legal name, the last name I raced under was 'Everly' which was given to me by a random name generator. The reason I hid my last name is because I wanted people to focus on my racing and not think that the only reason I made it to F1 is because my dad is an internationally famous singer.

I mean, I wouldn't have made it to F1 without him, he was the reason I had the money, the reason I didn't break under the pressure ages ago, the reason on why I was even alive. Though, he did believe in hard work and not getting everything given to you, so when I managed to start getting good sponsors he stopped the funding, so basically in F2 and F3 my entire career relied on the people who thought I was good enough to sponsor. 

Anyway, enough on that tangent, Toto came back a few minutes later with a pass in hand, it was like magic, one minute he didn't have it, the next it was there! He handed me the pass and I replied with a thank you. Now was the truly hard part, finding the man I had to give the pass to.

Calling: Father Dear

"Where are you?" I asked, I wanted to see this man as soon as possible.

"Hello to you too," he replied.

"Yes, yes, hello to you too, but I would rather be saying that in person." I reasoned.

"Uhm, I think I'm somewhere in the main grandstand?" He finally gave some clue to his location, though I couldn't really go there otherwise I will be swamped by people.

"Could you get to the paddock entrance?" I asked

"Maybe?" He didn't sound so sure. I sighed.

"I'll go there and send my location."

"Alright, see you soon."

"Love you,"

"Love you too,"

"Love you more,"

"No, I love you more,"

"Not possible," I ended the phone call, SEE? If I don't end the call it will go on forever!

Just then another call came in from my manager,

Incoming call from: Managery Person Named Tomathy

"Ello?" I said, hoping he could hear me.

"Hi Luna, I have had a request for an interview and wanted to see if you would do it." My manager's voice came through the electronic device.

"Sure, when is it and who is it with?" I asked.

"Sometime in the next two weeks and it is James Corden with the late late show.

"WAIT WHAT? ISN'T THAT LIKE FOR BIG TIME CELEBRITIES?" I nearly shouted through my phone.

"Well I don't know, but they want you on there." My manager replied with a tired voice, understandable, I did make his job hard sometimes.

"Yeah, I'll for sure do it." I replied.

"Okay, I'll get a time set up, you're heading to America after Jeddah right?

"Yeah," I replied.



Guess he had had enough of my antics for the day.

When Worlds Collide [F1 and Harry Styles]Where stories live. Discover now