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Very nice to know there are people out there who have the same, weird, day dreams I have :)

I had bought the Louis Tomlinson tickets for Australia, so I could go there after the next race. Now I was on a private plane with Lewis Hamilton and other F1 drivers on my way to race in Australia, what is my life? Is it healthy how often that question comes into my mind? Maybe, I don't really care, I like to take moments in a day to just think about how lucky I am to be able to be where I am now.

I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes, enjoying the music I was listening to, the Take Me Home album by One Direction, it had some of my favourite songs ever.

Then, as if by magic, I was in Australia! I think I fell asleep, I got off the plane and took an Uber with Lewis to our hotel. When I checked my phone I message someone who had recently been added to my contacts.

Message to: Singer Lewis

I started to type out my message.

Hi! Random question, would you be willing to kiss Louis Tomlinson if I got him to agree to it?

I reread it and cringed, this is such a weird question, can I rephrase it to be less weird?

Hello Lewis! This is Luna, I'm going to a Louis Tomlinson concert and if I got him to agree to it would you kiss him to add him to the collection?

Was that better? Maybe? Uhg, why is socialising so hard? Though I don't think this is a very commonly asked question. I though for a second before hitting send, Screw it, he's just as weird as I am.

I got a response... Suspiciously quickly.

Message from: Singer Lewis

I mean, if he agrees to it it's fine! Yeah? Where do I need to be and when?

I sent a message back simply saying 'Australia, Monday next week.'

Huh, that was easy. Now for the harder part, getting Louis Tomlinson to agree to it.

Australia, Sunday.

It was Sunday, just before the race. I was nervous, of course I was, this was were I grew up, even if the flag I race under is the UK, Australia is, and will always be my home. All the cars were on the grid, I qualified in 4th yesterday, I swear I could have done better, but I messed up the last corner. Lewis got 2nd with Verstappen on Pole.

I was sat by the edge of the track with my headphones on, listening to 'FOUR'. I listen to what is probably counted as 'too much One Direction'. Though is there really such a thing as that? No, I don't think so.

Skip The race, Luna gets second, fight with Verstappen, Lewis 3rd, Verstappen wins, yada yada, the usual.

I was sitting just outside the Mercedes garage on one of those box things that I have no idea what is actually in them. My headphones were on, like usual and my trophy was sitting next to me. I wasn't really in the mood to celebrate, I just got second and all I wanted to do was listen to music. I have no valid reason as to why I did this, I just did.

I was sitting and vibing when one of the Sky sports people came up for an interview, which I happily gave. I was in a weird mood, not wanting to celebrate but giving interviews? Yep.

Back in the hotel.

I was sitting on the hotel bed strumming a guitar, just random tunes that came into my mind, when there was a nock at the door. I got up and opened it to the smiling face of Lewis Capaldi, a smile spread along my face, his smile is contagious.

"Come in, come in!" I invited him inside.

When we were both sat down we talked about the plan for the next day at the concert, we would be near the front with a sign that simply read something like 'I know Lewis Capaldi, kiss him?' Why didn't we just use Twitter or something to contact Louis? Because where is the fun in that? This is way more exciting. 

When we were done Lewis left to go to his own hotel and I found a large white poster sheet and got a black sharpie writing the message as big as I could on it.

The next day.

Me and Lewis (The Scottish singer, not F1 driver) were outside the venue of where Louis Tomlinson was about to preform, I had the poster folded under my arm and we both had face masks on, so we wouldn't be recognised and it wouldn't be that weird with Covid still here and there. 

We walked into the place and showed our tickets, we managed to make it near to the stage and waited for the show to begin. I held up the sign when he finished the first few songs and was doing one of his rants, I didn't want to ruin the view of someone behind me by holding it up while he was singing.

He looked into the crowd and his eyes locked onto the sign, he physically paused for a second in an emotion I couldn't make out, he then started to talk again.

"Ok, Australia, you get the award for single handedly having one of the weirdest signs I've ever read." He said and the crowd went a little wild, he continued. "This sign over here says, ehem, 'I know Lewis Capaldi, kiss him, question mark.'"

The crowd screamed out again, I think they realised what I was doing. I felt a smirk take over my face.

"What am I meant to say to that?" He asked, someone in the crowd very loudly screamed 'Yes!'.

"I mean, sure, you prove you know him, I'll kiss him." He said. The crowd went incredibly wild, they were so loud. I started pointing to Lewis who was standing next to me. Louis furrowed his eyebrows at the person standing next to me.

"Are you saying that's him?" He asked. I nodded vigorously and the crowd continued to go wild, Louis started to signal we come closer to the stage and people made way for us, somehow, how did Louis have so much control over his crowd? if we were at my dad's performance we would have been swamped and have to get security to help.

When we got to the stage I looked at Lewis who now had his mask off, he was looking at Louis with a huge grin on his face. Louis had a shocked expression and jumped off the stage to walk towards where we were, the security didn't seem so pleased. 

Lewis jumped over the barrier and went up to Louis, I cheered from where I was as they went in for the kiss, Louis looked utterly and totally shocked, he definitely wasn't expecting this when he went on stage today.

Lewis came running back to me after all this happened.

"I just kissed Louis Tomlinson, full on the lips! Three out of five, two to go!" He very excitedly said, I think he was just as eager as I was for a One Direction reunion. 

What even is this chapter, I'm so sorry.

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