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Why is there nearly 200 reads on this? Anyway, on with this chapter.

Today was the day, HARRY STYLES CONCERT INCOMING. I got an Uber to the venue, sure, Mercedes provided a Mercedes for me to use, but I feel so uncomfortable driving road cars. There's just something different to the 300km an hour F1 cars.

Anyway, I arrived outside the venue and found a corner to hide in, I then took a photo of where I was and sent it to the group chat so the others could find me. Seb was the first to arrive and Lando was the last, he has no time management. When everyone was finally gathered we went inside and scanned the tickets.

We found our way right to the front row, mere metres away from the stage. The music started on and the crowd went WILD, like my hearing wasn't the best from how loud our cars were, but like WOW, these concerts are like loud, loud. Now you might be like 'Oh, why didn't you already know this?' Bro, I have listened to like two of my dad's songs, let alone been to one of his concerts. I preferred other songs to his, it's wierd listening to his songs, apart from the 1D ones, they're from a band so it doesn't count.

ANYWAY, wow, I get so distracted sometimes. Song after song came on and our group of F1 drivers danced around, at one point Lewis grabbed my hand and we danced around in a small circle that formed like ballroom dancing kind of. (IN A BROTHERLY WAY) FINALLY, like halfway through the concert my dad was dancing around on stage when he caught sight of me out the corner of his eye and did a very obvious double take.

At the end of the song the banter started, is that what you call it? The talking.

"Now over here we have a group of people I admire." My dad said into the mic walking over to our group. "People may I bring your attention to some Formula 1 drivers who have decided to come to my little concert."

One of the camera people put their camera on us and we came up on the big screen.

"I wouldn't say this is a 'little concert'." I muttered to myself and Lando, who was in hearing range let out one of his laughs causing me to grin.

Dad continued to ramble about something or another, entertaining the crowd, while he was doing this I was scanning who the security guards were and if I knew any of them. Then I recognised one and started to push my way through the sea of people, making my way over to him.

Sliding up right behind him I leaned in and started to speak, loud enough to be heard over the crowd.

"Heyyyyy, Josh, longtime no see." I said, the guard rolled his eyes, he was used to my antics by now. "You think I could, you know get through? Maybe join him?"

He let out a loud sigh before replying. "You know I can lose my job over that."

I put I hand over my heart. "I don't know what makes you assume I would LET you lose your job! You could also always get hired by me. I'm sure my dad would be delighted if I finally gave in and got some sort of security instead of firing them."

He let out another loud sigh, I wonder if he usually sighs this much or it's just me. He finally turned around to look at me and put a hand out, I jumped over the barrier with his help.

"Don't you dare do anything stupid, you may be able to save me from getting fired, but you can't save yourself from being grounded." He said to me.

"Stupid and me don't even fit in the same sentence." I reassured him, he didn't look so convinced.

Then I did something others MIGHT consider 'stupid'. I jumped on stage. Well, elegantly climbed on stage, that thing is tall ok? There was no song being sung at that point in time and I walked, with a massive grin on my face over to my dad. Now, I might be about to reveal a secret that had been kept for the 17 years of my life, but whoooo carrrreeess? Dad said I could when I wanted to, and it might not even end up happening!

So I walked over to my dad, Mr. Styles, my cheeks started hurting with how big my grin was. His back was facing me and the crowd was going W I L D. I approached him and no, I didn't do anything cheesy, like hugging him, or kissing him from behind. Nah, that ain't me. Instead about five metres away from him I started sprinting then I leaped, throwing my full body weight on him, tackling him to the ground. There was a very comedic grunt that was kind of like 'Arg' and 'Ak' that was heard through the microphone. 

I quickly hopped off him and stood up and looked into the crowd taking a bow. Then, I was tackled to the ground as dad recovered. We both stood up, the crowd was wild, I looked towards where the F1 drivers were standing, Seb had an expression that was a mix of, horror, amusement and admiration. Lewis was just laughing next to him.

I grabbed the microphone from where it had rolled in the fight, then proceeded to run to the other side of the stage. Dad was shaking his head at me. Oh I was so grounded.

These antics will be continued, don't worry! Also, I hate to be THAT person, but if you have read this far please consider voting! You don't have to at all if you don't want to of course! Great, now I'm turning wholesome. ANYWAY thanks for reading, another chapter will be posted soon-ish. 

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