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2nd last chapter, I have another F1 crack fic coming soon...

So, I got tickets to the opening One Direction show... I was also dragged along to watch them practice. We had a three week break between this GP and the next so I flew back to England and it turns out that the place where the 1D fellows are practicing is, at most, a 10 minute drive from the Mercedes headquarters. 

After I touched down in the UK I was searching for where I could take a taxi when I was greeted in the airport by a very shady looking person in a black hoodie with sunglasses and a mask. They looked like they were looking for someone when they saw me and we locked eyes.

Now a normal person in this situation would probably run, or get help or something, I mean a weirdo staring at you while very shadily dressed who you have no idea who they are in an airport. 

To understand the following, while the person was looking at me, it was like they recognised me but with that 'I'm not completely sure, I won't say anything and just wait for them to come to me' etc. I wasn't wearing a disguise exactly, but I was wearing a face mask, very baggy pants and a very baggy jumper with my hair out, so even if you knew me, you couldn't be exactly sure.

I'm not what you would consider 'normal' in this situation. No, no. I approached the person and started rambling in Spanish (Thank you Fernando). Now, Spanish can sound like a very aggressive language even if you are simply saying 'the food is good here', my little plan succeeded and the person looked terrified.

That was when I recognised the face under the mask, but it made the whole situation a whole lot funnier. I put on a confused face for a second before changing my language to the little amount of German I know (Thank you Seb). The terror on the persons face grew even more.

After I stopped speaking for a second I looked at the person in 'confusion' again and changed my language to Dutch, the only foreign language I knew fluently (I learnt it to mess with Max). Now this person was completely confused. I couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing.

For those of you who haven't caught on yet, this 'mysterious person' was my father, Harry Styles.

He recognised my laugh and did an overdramatic sigh that I can only guess was paired with an eye roll. When I took control of my laughter I hugged him, like a full on bear hug.

"You didn't tell me you were coming!" I said to him.

"You didn't tell me you could speak multiple different languages." He replied.

We caught up with what was happening in our lives (Which included finally learning the story on how 1D got back together, I take full credit) and walked to the bag collection conveyer belt things where I picked up my bright yellow banana coloured bag. It was easier to see the bag that way.

When everything was said and done and I made it through where I needed to go we left the airport where a black car was waiting, I raised an eyebrow, wouldn't it be less obvious if it was like white or silver? Without very tinted windows.

I got in and sat in the back with dad getting in next to me, there was two people in the front, I sat silently as dad joked around with them and chatted, the one in the passenger seat had a Irish accent and was very burly, I assumed he was dad's bodyguard until I heard his name, then it clicked, and my stupid mouth couldn't hold back.

"Wait! Are you Paul Higgins?" I burst out, everyone went silent and turned their heads to look at me, I could feel my face heating up... stupid mouth.

"Yes I am! I am your dad's babysitter, though from what I have seen online I think I'm getting a sixth child to look after." He raised his eyebrow at me. I turned to look at my dad.

"What does that mean?" I asked pointedly. He had a small smile on his face, as he spoke the smile only widened.

"It means, while your here and in the off season, your going to be hanging around with me."

I felt my jaw physically drop. "Do I get a choice?"

"Do you need a choice?" He shot back and I shook my head slowly. "Also you're still not technically a legal adult and I feel selfish handing you off for someone else to deal with."

I shot him a death stare. "I'm not THAT bad." I protested, though the looks I got from the people in the car told me they thought otherwise.

The drive continued for another 20 minutes until we parked outside this massive warehouse and got out the car.

Dad, Paul and I walked through this side door and into the building, when you walked through the door it immediately opened up to this huge room where a massive stage sat in the middle, there were four people standing on the stage and they seemed to be joking around with each other.

We walked towards them and as we got closer I recognised all of them, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik. I was silently freaking out on the inside, it was so weird to see them all together again with such a different physical appearance to what they had so many years ago.

Then a thought struck me and I leaned towards my dad and whispered into his ear. "Do you have a chicken nugget?"

I got my answer from the look he gave me that told me I was crazy.

I looked back to the stage and the group of boys hadn't noticed us yet. I scanned around the room and for the first time noticed just how many people were in it, scattered around on the floor. What really caught my eyes though was the McDonalds chicken nugget packaging that one of those people were holding.

I sprinted towards them and quickly asked them. "Can I have those chicken nuggets? I'll pay you back I swear."

I took in the shocked look on their face and grabbed the chicken nuggets with a quick thank you. It was one of those 20 nugget ones.

I looked back towards the stage and the boys still hadn't seen me yet, though my dad was giving me a very concerned look.

I picked up one of the chicken nuggets and pelted it at the boys on stage, hitting Louis right on the back of the head. I continued to through the chicken nuggets hitting each boy 4ish times with the nuggets. I'm so glad I used to play cricket, it certainly helps hitting your dad's bandmates heads with chicken nuggets.

Now all four boys were looking at me, Niall and Louis with recognition, Niall looked like he was about to burst out laughing, and the other two looked at me with pure confusion. Dad was practically on the floor laughing and everyone else in the room hadn't even acknowledged  what was happening. Paul just looked on at the situation with an exhausted, fed up look in his eyes.

I practically skipped up to the stage and jumped on, I held out my hand.

"Hi! I'm Luna Styles, nice to meet you!"

Niall couldn't contain the laughter.

When Worlds Collide [F1 and Harry Styles]Where stories live. Discover now