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Mate, my motivation is FLOWING, also please comment and stuff, preferably criticism.

Quick time skip brought to you byyyy: Nothing interesting happening at Jeddah

Here I was, sitting back stage of the Late Late Show waiting to go on stage. Now, I may drive cars at over 300km an hour, but social interaction is just a no, unless I am hiding behind the visor of my helmet or with my PR manager by my side in the f1 paddock. Basically, interaction is a no unless I am in my territory, not in America, at a show that has international superstars. This was my dad's territory.

I was sat down on a couch playing subway surfer, about to go on stage in front of a live audience and with a FAMOUS SINGER. Now here is something that I had not been told until I arrived and which I have not told you about, no, I wasn't about to go on stage with Harry Styles, my dad. Who in their right mind would put a secret father with their secret daughter on stage? No, I was going on stage WITH NIALL BLOODY HORAN. So please, tell me who thought it was a good idea to put me on stage with my dad's EX BAND MATE, WHO DIDN'T KNOW WHO I WAS? This was going to go great!

Take note of the sarcasm.

Someone came up to me and said I had to go on stage. Well, here I go. I walked out the door to cheering and smiled as I walked down to the couch. Nope, Nope, Nope, why am I here? WHY. A lot of silent thoughts were going through my head, a lot of panic included, but I kept up the smile and finally made it to the couch.

I sat down next to THE Niall Horan, I maybe was fangirling a little bit on the inside but you didn't have to know that. Thank any being above that I had PR training otherwise this interaction would have gone a VERY different way.

James Corden (James? What am I meant to call him?) welcomed both of us to the show and explained what was going on, jokes were made that I couldn't hear because of the blood pounding in my ears, so I did what anyone would do and just nodded and politely laughed along, hoping I wouldn't laugh at a 'Sorry your friend/family member' died statement. Though I couldn't think of anyone who had died recently. 

Then the interview started, at the beginning it was mostly Niall getting asked the questions, stuff about being a judge on 'The Voice', One Direction reuniting, new songs. The usual. Then it went on to me being asked questions.

"So Luna, welcome to the Late Late show! For anyone who might not know  this is Luna Everly, a women who races cars around weird shaped circles for 3 hours." He introduced me again I guess.

"Mmm, with 19 grown men." I then realised what this might sound like out of context and cringed a little. Runs in the family I guess.

"So, a question for you Luna, could you explain what being a formula 1 driver consists of." James asked me.

"Right so, yeah, uh, I basically drive in circles fast on a few Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays of the year, the rest of my time is spent training and traveling, that's what it means in simple terms anyway." My brain stalled for a second.

More questions were asked and at one point a question had led to me having a five minute rant on the inner workings of the cars and logistics and Niall had ended the conversation with a, "That sounds very technical and I didn't understand a word of it."

By now my adrenaline had settled a bit and it had turned into 'just an interview' and not 'THAT'S NIALL HORAN, THAT'S JAMES CORDEN, WHAT IS GOING ON???'.

The rest of the interview went pretty smoothly until James said something that struck fear deep into my heart.

"So, there's a video that has been all over Twitter recently and I think you might like to see it Luna." He said.

"Oh no," I replied nearly instantly, James looked a little shocked.

"Do you know what video I'm talking about?" He asked me.

"No, but I've said so much stupid stuff online this can't end well." I replied. The crowd laughed, HA goal complete: Make crowd laugh. 

Then a video was brought up of an interview I recognised from my F3 days, he must have really dug deep for this. The clip started to play and I heard the interviewer through the speakers in the room.

"So Luna, you have stated a few times before that you enjoy listening to a lot of music in your free time, so this is a question to do with that; If you could make a band, with any artist, family member, whatever, who would be in it?"

Then old me replied, I cringed at my voice, why was it so high?

"Anyone? Do I have to be in it?"

Now the interviewer talked again. "Well no,"

Back to old me. "Ok, so anyone in the world... Hmm, well we could start with a pretty good base sooo, Harry Styles, he can bring the fans in. Then I guess we need a more unique voice, so Louis Tomlinson? I quite like his music. Maybe Niall Horan? I like listening to his music as well, yeah he would fit. Uh, Liam Payne, yeah, he would make a good base I think. Then one more? Five seems like a good number, so, Zayn Malik, uh, yeah, he can do high notes. That sound like a good band?"

The clip ended and I was hiding my blushing face in my suit jacket, did I mention I was wearing a suit? Yeah no way am I wearing a dress, they SUCK. The crowd was silent so I guess we were waiting for me to say something, so I did.

"You think it would make a good band Niall?"

I hope the speed this is going at is ok.

When Worlds Collide [F1 and Harry Styles]Where stories live. Discover now