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I hated how this ended, it felt incomplete, I can't just leave it like that it was rushed and bad... SO A REDO!! Hope you enjoy!

I was properly introduce to dad's friends, you know like with the handshakes and stuff.

"This is my daughter Luna, Luna I think you know these boys already." My dad said and he stood next to me and ruffled my hair. I playfully slapped his hand away.

"You do know I'm on a group chat with them right??" I replied. The look on his face was priceless, clearly, he didn't know.

"Since when?!" He asked.

"Since that time you left your phone on the table when we were in that one hotel room."

I continued to chat to the boys before they got back to work, because, you know, they had a worldwide tour coming up.

I walked into like a breakroom area which had a little fridge and a small stovetop. There was a table in the middle of the room which had a bunch of different boxes, some taped shut and some overflowing with stuff. There was also a bunch of boxes covering the floor.

I read the name on one of the boxes and it had 'Harry' scrawled on the side of it with a sharpie. It was one of the boxes that was overflowing with things. I walked over to it and grabbed the item that was at the top of all the stuff. It was an old worn down picture album.

I sat down on the floor with the book in hand, on the front cover was a picture of my dad and a baby, dad was way younger in the picture than he is now. I opened to the first page of pictures and they were all pictures various of this baby and dad, there was a caption below one of the pictures that took me a second to read because it was in that really fancy handwriting that looks nice but is hard to read. I eventually made out:

"Harry and Baby Luna - 2014"

(I Don't think I've ever actually stated the year she was born, if I have, she has now been born in 2014. I know the drivers would be old and stuff and wouldn't be racing anymore but SHHHHHHHH, Any other plot-holes??? IGNORE THEM)

OH! The baby was me! I probably should have guessed that sooner thinking about it now. 

I flipped to the next page and there were more pictures, I continued going through the album and the further I got into the album the older I became in the pictures. There was a series of photos that included me jumping into dad's arms with him in his overly colourful and out of the ordinary clothing and sweaty hair, which makes me assume that this took place right after one of dad's shows.

I went through more photos, there was my first time on the podium (And winning) in the world championship karting event, or whatever it's called. Another was dad hugging me after my first win in F2 (I didn't realise that photo had been taken). When I got to the last page that contained pictures it was one of my dad standing in front of the TV with the F1 on and you could see my picture and my name at the top of the standings with the chequered flag thing next to it, showing the race was over. In the picture my dad was cheering with his arms in the air. It was a picture of my first win in F1, with my dad, even if we were in different countries at the time.

I carefully put the album back in the box and walked back outside the room to the boys. They were all on stage dancing around and messing with each other. I smiled slightly at the sight, if I was myself at that point in time than I may have got my phone out and filmed what was happening, but my mind was drifting elsewhere.

I didn't know my dad had all those photos, I didn't realise he had been putting them all into an album for the past 16/17 (How old is she again?) years. Looking through all those photos made me appreciate just how lucky I was to have a dad like my dad. Even though he was famous and had all the money in the world and was always traveling, he still had time for me.

Instead of buying me everything I wanted, and getting toys and electronics for Christmas,  we would always go karting together and explore some of the most beautiful places around, and go round old museums and art galleries, (which I didn't enjoy as much). He was always there when I needed him most.

I look up at the stage where my dad is singing and messing around on stage with his friends, having fun, when I was younger I would always say Sebastian Vettel or Lewis Hamilton was my role model, but I realised I've only ever had one, someone who made time for everyone he met, someone who always tried to be respectful even if they don't deserve it, someone who knew how to appreciate a kind gesture and teach other people to care. My dad has always, and will always, be my role model.

The rest of the day continued smoothly, about halfway into the day the boys all hopped into a van and headed over to a recording place so they could re-record 'Made In The AM' with Zayn in it. I didn't follow them, I had had enough for one jetlagged day and just really wanted to get home.

When I sat down on my bed my phone dinged, it was a notification from Twitter from my dad's account, it was a short video of the boys messing around and teasing each other as Zayn tried to record his bits and pieces of the songs. It was as if the last few years had never happened, as if they had never gone on break, never stopped talking and hanging out.

I smiled at the video, One Direction was finally, truly back.

The next days turned into weeks, which turned into months, until eventually came the date of the first show. I rocked up to the show with VIP tickets in hand and found myself at the front of the crowd of screaming fans. The first few shows were at Wembley Stadium, the tickets had all sold out in under 4 minutes, One Direction fans were truly insane.

The music started up and the screams were deafening. The five boys came out onto the stage and started the show, my dad starting the first song with the first lyrics echoing through the huge stadium. I watched as the boys messed around, teasing and playing around with each other as if no one was watching.

One Direction was back, and they were here to stay this time.

Well this is 'That's a wrap 2.0' thank you for reading (Again) I much prefer this to the first ending I wrote, I hope you like it too.

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