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When the race finally came along, the one that I qualified on pole for, I was nervous as. I felt like I was shaking all over when I woke up in the morning, but while pole was an achievement you only get points in the race. I made it to the track and to the Mercedes garage where the engineers were setting up my car for the race. I found my balaclava and helmet and put on my racesuit before I made my way to the grid where all the cars were getting set up.

For the first, and hopefully not last time, I went to the very front where my beautiful Mercedes was being set and last checks and stuff before the race began, I sat down against the pit wall and listened to my music through my headphones, it helped me focus before a race. I saw the Sky Sports people going around and interviewing people and stuff though they didn't approach me, I think it was just manners to not interview a driver minutes before the race properly started.

I was given a warning by my engineer and went over to the car and pulled myself in. The formation lap began and I felt my mind turn to auto pilot, the car turn into a part of my body that listened to what I wanted it to do and flowed smoothly, I had a very good feeling about this race.

A couple hours later (I can't be bothered to write a wholes race soz)

I made it through the last few corners, feeling as if I was flying, defending from an aggressive Dutchman behind, in the past few laps I could feel my tyres wearing out, but I kept pushing the car to it's absolute limits, kept getting those few tenths I needed to keep Max behind.

My brain registered as I went around the final corner that this was actually going to happen, I was going to be a Grand Prix winner, a Formula 1 Grand Prix winner. I crossed the line in first, cheers erupted from my radio, the cooldown lap thing went by in a blur as so many feelings exploded me, I felt like I was on cloud 9.

At the podium ceremony, there was only one thing I wished for, much like when I got that podium in Bahrain. Dad.


I was sitting in my car just outside our garage chatting with the engineers trophy in hand, when my phone rang I answered it.


There was some incomprehensible (Is it bad I can spell that but not 'disease' without searching it up?) noises that came through the phone that I couldn't make out the emotions before I finally looked at the caller ID which showed it was my dad.

"YOU WON!!!" Was what he eventually managed to get out

A week later

I heard my phone ding with a notification and reached over to it from where I lay on my bed contemplating life. I opened it up and it was a notification from Lewis' Insta page, when I opened the post it showed the video that he took and sent to the other drivers. I was a little peeved, like you know, he saw how hesitant I was to send it to the other drivers and then he posts it for everyone to see?

What a... diiiiiiiiinosaur. Mm, dinosaur we like dinosaurs! Wait no, we DON'T like dinosaurs in this case, yeah, what a dinosaur move Lewis!

So anyway, I did what is probably the most stupid mistake to ever make, I looked through the replies and to my total and utter surprise, they were actually positive! There was a couple mean comments but way less than I thought, there was also a bunch of 1D fans begging Lewis to ask me what was happening with the One Direction thing.

I then proceeded to open up Twitter and see if there was any more updates on what was happening, and there was a date, a date that was for three days from now, the fans in the replies were going wild about it.

I set a reminder for the day on my phone as I don't tend to remember stuff like this, I should probably get better at that. I then went back to my hotel room so I could get enough sleep for FP1 and 2 tomorrow.

The next day went as normal and you are going to re-join me at Quali.

This time I don't get pole, but I get 2nd! So good enough for me.

Race Day

I woke up and contemplated getting out of bed before an alarm went off on my phone, I picked it up looked at what it was because I don't remember setting an alarm and all it said was 1D!!!!! So I did the obvious and checked the 1D Twitter to see if anything new was posted.

One Direction @onedirection

The boys back at the recording???

Then there was a picture of Zayn with a microphone in one of those audio recording places with headphones on with dad in the background but it was one of the ones from like 2012 or 2011 or whatever.

I then realised I did actually have to get up, because I had a race and stuff to get ready for, you know, a job.

I made it to the track and went to the pitlane and sat on some boxes that were by the Mercedes pit box, contemplating life. I saw some of the other drivers going in and out of garages, not noticing me. 

I was bored, which meant... I needed to go annoy someone.

I scanned who was in the pitlane and saw Danny Ric by the Redbull garage, I hopped off the boxes and made my way over to him and just started repeating his name over and over again. He eventually looked over at me so I ran up to him and simply said: "Tag you're it!"

Then ran off, if anyone would chase after me it would be him, and just like predicted I heard his footsteps chasing after me. I ran out the garages and found my way to the paddock which was right by the garages.

I stopped when a ding sound came from my phone signifying a notification, Daniel ran right into the back of me making both of us land in a pile on the ground. When I got a good look at my phone it was a Twitter notification.

It was from the One Direction account.

It was tour dates.

I'm afraid this story is coming to an end. I don't want to drag it on to the point of it being boring and I feel it's getting to that point, the motivation is also running a little dry. I have another One Direction story in the works (No F1) so if you wanna read that stick around I guess it might take a while, but I swear it'll be out eventually. I really don't like this chapter, but it needed to be done.

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