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The first thing I did when I saw the tour dates was get on my phone and send a message to my Dad. 

Message to: Father Dear

I linked the Tweet before attaching a message.


He then proceeded to leave me on opened, like what? Why, he knows we are blood related, right?

I checked Twitter and One Direction was trending worldwide. They seriously control the internet after years of silence? Like actually, they're more popular than when they left. Then my phone finally dinged with a message, a reply from my father.

Message from: Father Dear

Revenge for everything that's happened in the past few weeks 😊

I left him on opened and then remembered that Daniel and me were still in a pile on the ground, he was looking at what I was doing over my shoulder and we were both so distracted we missed Martin Brundle and Sky Sports walk up and just start filming us.

Daniel followed my eyesight and we quickly stood up, and I jokingly brushed myself off in front of the camera, Martin approached us and asked for an interview.

"Hello! How is my favourite presenter doing today?" I asked a wide smile on my face.

"Well, I couldn't help but seeing you and Daniel in a pile on the ground. May I ask how that happened?" He did his usual response of jumping into an interview, Daniel walked up besides me.

"Well we were playing tag then the One Direction Twitter account posted so I stopped and Danny ran into me and fell." I responded.

"Oh, what did they post?" he asked.

"One Direction tour dates and my dad didn't even tell me." I said, the end of my sentence I put on a fake grouchy tone. "How rude."

The rest of the interview went by normally and I decided I should probably get back the garage and ready for the race, but not before going into a certain groupchat and sending a message.


Me: Soo, you got together I see. I feel like we need a change of name.

You changed this groups name to: So you actually got back together.

No one answered me.

Me: So I have a deal, yeah?

Me: If I win today's race I get free VIP tickets to one of your shows?

NIALLLLL (The Princess): Wouldn't Haz give you tickets anyway?

Me: Well, probably but this is more fun.

SaSs MaStEr fRoM DoNcAsTeR: I mean sure go ahead. 

Me: Cool thx

I then turned off my phone and actually got ready for the race! Without any distractions!... That's a lie, I stole Toto's phone then was chased around the garage while half the engineers were laughing, a couple chasing me, and some filming. Lewis H was laughing so much I though he would choke to death and Toto was chasing me around trying to get the phone back.

Then I got ready for the race.

Now I was sitting in my car in the second grid spot hoping to win a Formula 1 race so I could go to a One Direction concert. My life is weird.

The red lights turned on and I gripped my wheel harder, focusing so I could get a good launch. I flew around the first corner, coming out of it millimetres ahead of Max who was on pole. We were fighting for the most of the race and I may have nearly hit him a couple of times, but I think it made an entertaining race. Lewis was also in the fight about halfway through the race for about ten laps.

With about three laps to go I felt a massive twitch from my car and got knocked to the side. When I looked to my right I saw the green Aston Martin of Lance Stroll trying to force his way through me and Max. How did he even get up to third?

"WHAT IS THAT IDIOT DOING?" You don't know how much self-control it took to not swear, but we keep our radio messages family friendly around here. I can imagine Max's radio message was a lot more colourful. I continued the message. "HOW'S HE EVEN HERE?"

The calm but annoyed voice of my race engineer responded. "He hasn't pit yet, is there any damage to the car that you can tell?"

"Yeah, probably it was a bad hit." I reply trying to catch my breath back, as we were approaching the start finish straight the Aston dove into the pits. SO HE CRASHES INTO US THEN GETS OUT OF THE FIGHT, What a hmmf. Angry thoughts filled my head.

"You have damage to the right sidepod from what I can tell." My engineer's voice came over the radio again.

"What about Verstappen?" I ask.

"We can't tell, get your head down and keep driving, a win is still within our reach."

I huffed and continued driving, I could tell there was damage now my blinding anger was gone, the car felt weird to drive, like it wanted to do it's own thing. It wasn't listening to me. Though from what I could tell, Max also had some kind of problem.

As I wrestled my car around the final corner I was about 3 tenths in front of Max, apparently managing the damage better. Though I won I was still annoyed at the fact that it would have been such a clean race if not for Stroll. Lewis ended up 3rd only around 4 tenths behind Max.

I had won my second race, but the feeling I should get from it was overshadowed by the fact that Stroll is such a dirty driver. After the cooldown lap when I got out my car I looked at the sidepod and there was a massive gash down the side of it. I shook my head, I can't believe I didn't lose more time to the damage.

When Max got out of his car he looked like he was fuming. I then went and gave a hug to the team before heading to the cooldown room. I sat down in the chair closest to the door which just so happened to be Max's, I absolutely love how the FIA labels the chairs and then there is an unspoken agreement between the drivers to just ignore it.

Max came in as the highlights on the TV turned on, he looked incredibly pissed off. Probably matching my face but a little bit worse. We kind of just sat in a silence before Lewis entered the room and started to watch the highlights, he was oblivious to why we were so annoyed.

I can't believe Stroll.

"What happened there?" Lewis' voice brought me out of my thoughts and when I looked at the TV it was showing Stroll banging into us.

"What nearly lost us the race." I replied anger seeping into my voice. "He wasn't even in the race for the win! He needed to pit! But then decides to try and force himself in front in the worst way possible and causes us both damage."

Max joined in on my rant when a Mercedes person walked into the room.

"Stroll's been given a penalty for the next race and disqualified from this one." They said, I let out a laugh that wasn't exactly a real laugh.

"Of course."

After the podium ceremony I went back to the garage and found my phone where I left it on a chair, it had a few notifications on it.

One was from the group chat.

So you actually got back together.

Daddy Direction: Nice win, but what was that other driver doing?

I raised my eyebrows at the message.

Me: You were watching? Also you owe me tickets now.

Daddy Direction: Yeah, Haz was so the rest of us joined in.

My eyebrows went up further.

Me: You're all together right now?

Daddy Direction: Yep, practice for the tour.

Me: Well tell my dad he's the worst because HE NEVER TELLS ME ANYTHING :D

Here's another chapter, I don't actually dislike Stroll this much, I just needed a driver to put the blame on and he was the first one I thought of.

When Worlds Collide [F1 and Harry Styles]Where stories live. Discover now