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"Everyone up." My dad banged on everyone of the doors "School starts in an hour."

"Ughhh." i groaned as i got out of bed, Carl tried to run the bathroom before me but i obviously beat him "Ha, i'm going to take even longer now." I stuck my tongue out at the curly haired boy

I have lived here a year now since my 2 dads adopted me, Mickey and Ian. I have adapted here pretty well, Carl is probably one of my best friends out the whole house and maybe even Kevin.

I got into the shower, there was some coconut soap sitting on the side which i decided to use. It smelt so good. After i washed and shaved my whole body i ran some conditioner on my dry burnt hair.

Carl was waiting at the door as i walked out, in just a towel. i smiled at him knowing i took the longest to get ready and he was pissed at me for it.

I went into my room, which i share with Debbie and Franny. Which sometimes can be a pain since the room is quite small for the 3 of us.

I put on some black leggings, and a black long sleeve top. I always keep it simple for school but because it was snowing i needed something warm to put on.

I paired it with a pair of penguin fluffy socks. I walked down the stairs and the smell of bacon filled my nostrils. Ever since Debbie heard the news about lip wanting to move out, she has been cooking every morning

"Finally out of the shower?" My dad, Mickey joked

I flipped him off and grabbed a bacon sandwich that was waiting for me on the counter, Ian my other dad was sat next to with his coffee and his meds. I think he was debating about wether to take them.

"Dad you need to take you meds, you know this." I scolded him for even thinking about it

"Hey Gallagher, take your fucking medication." Mickey shouted from upstairs, which made me laugh he really did care about my dad

He took a sip of his coffee and placed 2 tablets into his mouth "Happy now?" He ruffled my hair and shooed me off to go to school

"Bye dads, love you." I shouted to them as i left the house

It was chucking it down with snow today, and it was only meant to get heavier. So luckily it was a half day at the public school. "HEY CARLL." I shouted to get his attention

"Hey littlest gallagher." He tormented me knowing that i wasn't the youngest

"Fuck you." i smacked him playfully "Thank god it's only a half day, i miss french."

"I know thank fuck for the snow." He replied showing the same happiness as i was

"At the private school, we don't even get a half day." Liam joined the conversation

"Aw liam, you should come back to public school and stop being so smart." I laughed

"Just because your stupid." He joked back

"Bye liam." Carl and i said as he walked the opposite way, to get to his fancy private school. Frank, my grandfather has fucked most of the girls at his school. I wonder if liam knows.

The walk to school wasn't very far, 10 minutes at most but some how me and carl still managed to be 15 minutes late.

"Why are you two nearly 20 minutes late." The headmistress complained

"We was selling drugs." Carl joked but she didn't seem to find it funny

"Your grades are not doing good at all, your late every single day without fail and you skip way to many lessons." She explained to us

"For god sake, it's a shitty school anyways." I laughed at how pathetic this teacher was really being

"If this happens once more you will be expelled and we will need both your parents to come in."

"Fine." I said and i looked at carl knowing his mum and dad died just like mine

"Your in the last year of high school, make it count."

"Urm miss, my mum and dad are dead." Carl looked at her for some sympathy, but in reality he hated his parents

"Fine you will just have to go in with Brooke's parents, since that's your brother isn't it."

"Yeah it is." Carl replied he must of been so relieved

"Okay so brooke make sure you mum and dad come in, on tuesday at 9."

"Oh i have two dads, and that's fine." I smiled, knowing how confusing it is to explain i have 2 dads. I can't believe she was only giving us a day before are parents had to come in

"Okay your dismissed." she nodded as she held the door open for us


When i walked back through the door of the gallagher house, my two dads was standing right at the door. The school must of called them about the meeting and they didn't look happy

"Brooklyn-Rose Gallagher, you have not even been at that school a year and we already need to have a meeting with you. What has been going on with you lately, you have been acting really hyper. Like you have no care of anything you do." Ian scolded me, he looked over at Mickey who was trying to hold his laugh in

"Yeah kid listen to you dad, you need to behave. For this we are taking your phone and you and grounded." Mickey told me

"Fuck off." I shouted as i chucked my phone on side and ran up the stairs

"Brooke come back." Ian shouted but i was already at my door, i slammed it waking up 5 year old franny.

i lay in bed, tears streaming down my eyes. Mickey ran up and got Franny, he looked at me and smiled "I'm sorry, but you know we have to punish you, this behaviour can't keep going on."

I nodded, i understand what they mean i'm just not used to being told off. I don't even know why i was crying they wasn't even that harsh on me.

I went to the bathroom and closed the door. That's when i noticed it, blood in my pants. I knew i was always late, i mean 15 and only just getting her period. I always but it down to stress of losing my parents.

Fuck having 2 dads is so difficult sometimes, yes i wouldn't change it for the world, but i needed help on this.

i searched everywhere for some pads or even tampons, but i couldn't find any for some reason. That's when i realised that Tami and Debbie are both on the pill so they don't need them. Fuck

I went downstairs awkwardly "Dads?"

"You finally out of your sulk?" Mickey replied to me

"No i am not, but i need you help."

"Yeah what's up." Ian said carmly

"I started my period, and there's nothing for me to use anywhere and Deb isn't home." I started to cry again, this was so embarrassing

"Hey don't be embarrassed it happens to everyone." Ian hugged me

"Yeah it happened to my sister Mandy, i had to buy her every thing she needed because my dad was a prick." He smiled at me "I will go to the shops now and get you everything you need. Also text Deb she will be better then us two."

"I love you both. I'm sorry i had to tell you."

"Shut up we are you parents, we knew it would happen sooner or later." Ian kissed my head "Don't think this means your off the hook."

I laughed "I'm going upstairs, shout me once you have got me the stuff i need."

Atleast i had the two best dads in the world, i never had a mum so i never knew what to do when this stuff happened. I'm glad they was both there for me though

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