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"Hey Brooke, time for school." Debbie shouted into our shared room

"I can't." I complained, atleast i can now use my period as an excuse to get out of school

"Why not, you don't look sick." She stared at me blankly

"I got my period, i'm in fucking pain. Please don't tell my dads."

"Woah, why didn't you tell me? I will just say i saw you throwing up, so be prepared for your dads to come up."

"I called you like a million times." I said walking over to the bathroom. I sat myself down next to the toilet and made myself throw up

Debbie smiled at me as she shouted "Ian, Mickey your daughter is throwing up."

"Thank you." I mouthed as she walked down the stairs, sometimes she can be really nice to me

A few minutes went by and Ian ran up the stairs "Oh god Brooke, you okay."

"No i can't stop throwing up, must of caught a bug." I groaned, even if i was faking it, the smell of vomit wouldn't leave

"You better, be better for the wedding misses." He kissed my forehead "Go into bed, i will make sure Fiona checks on you throughout the day."

"Don't worry i will still be coming, i love you." I said hurling over the toilet again, pretending that i was going to throw up

"Call me if you need anything, Mickey is at work till 2 so he will be home soon." He walked out of the tiny bathroom "Bye i love you to."

I smiled my plan had worked, i climbed back into bed and played on my phone for a little bit. Fiona came up the stairs shortly after my dads had left

"Oh my god Fiona, guess what." I was so excited to tell her since i knew that she ran a lot when she was younger

"Hey Brooke, what's so exciting." She sat on the end of my bed

"So today at 4AM, i went to the lake. i saw the most beautiful sunrise ever." I exaggerated how beautiful it was, i showed her my phone

"Oh wow, 4AM though it's a bit early don't you think."

"I don't get much sleep now, oh i should cook you a breakfast isn't that fun."

"Sure, that will be really nice." She looked at me worried, i just couldn't figure out why. This random burst of energy is amazing

I went downstairs into the Gallagher kitchen. I grabbed some eggs, bacon and sausage, i chucked it all into one pan hoping it would cook. Which it really didn't.

Stupidly i put my hand in the pan to see if i could pick up the bacon. At first i didn't feel the pain that i left my hand on there for to long. Maybe it was adrenaline but Fiona ran over to me

"Shit Brooke, what the fuck are you doing." She grabbed my hand and placed it under the cold tap "You can't be doing that shit."

"It's not like it hurt or anything, bandage it up it will be fine." God she was really over exaggerating

"I'm calling your dad, Brooke."

"No your not, it was an accident." i shouted, quickly running over to the kitchen draw

"You need help, you shouldn't be doing that." Fiona dialed Mickeys number which made me flip. I don't know where the rage came from it was just there

I grabbed a kitchen knife off of the counter. "Hang up the phone." I said holding it to her neck. I couldn't stop myself it was just so tempting

"If you don't hang up the phone i will slash ur neck." She really thought i was joking

The kitchen door opened then closed again, my dad was standing right there watching me hold a knife to my own auntie.

"Hey Brooke, give me the knife." Mickey ran over to me "Come on i've got you."

I did as i was told and lowered the knife "Fuck i'm sorry."

I grabbed my coat off the rack and ran out the door, i don't even know where i was running to, i just ran as far away as i could.

Holding a knife to my aunties neck, i am going to be in big trouble for it.


"Shit Fi you okay." I pulled her into a hug, i can't believe what i had just seen.

"Yeah i promise, doesn't this look really familiar." She asked me, i knew it did

"Yeah, Just like Ian's manic episode. Feeling invincible to guilty in a few minutes." Of course she wasn't even are biological daughter, and she still gets fucked up genes.

"I think if you didn't come through the door, she would of actually slit my throat." She continued "She needs her hand treated, she stuck it on the hot pan and held it there."

"Fuckkk Brooke. I will call Ian." I said walking out of the room, to call my fiancé. Not only is the wedding in 3 days, nobody knows where my daughter has ran off to.

Finally after like 5 missed calls Ian picks up "Fuck Ian you need to come home now, Brooke held i knife up to Fiona's throat, burned her whole hand on purpose and has just ran off."

"Holy shit, i will be home know. Why the fuck she done that for."

"It's looks painfully similar Ian." i groaned "Even without your shitty genes i think she may have something like that."

"I will keep a look out, i will be home in 10." I could tell Ian was petrified, when he was manic he did shitty things as-well

"Hey, it don't mean she is bipolar. She could just be going through some shit." I tried to make him feel better "I love you."

"I love you to." As he said it he hung up the phone, i guess i have to find my daughter now before she hurts someone or herself

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