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It had already been a few days since the wedding. I could of swore i had a hangover for at-least 2 whole days. I have never felt so shit in my life.

A feeling of nausea overtook my whole body, i tried to shut it out but i couldn't hold it in. At this rate i was going to throw up all over Rose.

I quickly ran to the toilet and threw up. I didn't even realise that Carl was in the shower, but i didn't care i couldn't stop throwing up.

"Fucking hell are you pregnant." Carl said grabbing a towel

"I'm a fucking lesbian." I looked at him, before quickly throwing up again

"Yeah lesbian can get pregnant."

"Carl you need help." I shouted in pain, my whole stomach started to hurt. Like somebody was stabbing it, and they wouldn't stop "FUCK." I screamed

"Are you like dying?" Carl asked me running to get my parents.

I started to scream in pain, as i lay in a ball on the bathroom floor. It was like it was spreading through my entire body, and i just couldn't stop throwing up.

"Oh fuck." Mickey said, covering his nose as he sat down next to me "What's that matter B."

I tried to answer him but yet again i threw, the taste of vomit wouldn't leave my mouth.

Fiona soon walked in, she looked around so confused. All she wanted was a shower and to brush her teeth. "Holy shit are you pregnant?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? I'm a fucking lesbian you thick shits." I shouted honestly sick to death of the question

Mickey shouted Ian into the room, unsure of what to do. Mickey was never good in these situations especially when vomit was involved.

"Jesus christ how many times have you threw up." Ian asked me

"Like a fucking thousand." I groaned leaning my head on Mickeys lap

"You sure your not pregnant?" He seriously askrd me that

"I HAVE A GIRL FRIEND, SHE DONT HAVE A PENIS." i shouted yet again, sick of the quiestion

"I've been summoned- holy shit." Rose looked at me and laughed "They think ur pregnant?"


"Well i don't think a pink willy, can get you pregnant."

"RORY!" I looked at her shocked

My dads both looked at each other and laughed

"You sure it's not your period, your literally bleeding." Carl pointed out

What the fuck, i'm not due for 4 weeks. It can't be my fucking period

"Fuck no it isn't, hold on a minute IM BLEEDING?" I shouted

"Omg ur about to give birth." Carl shouted


"Fuck she's bleeding a lot." Debbie said as she lifted me up of the floor "We gotta get you to the hospital."

"FUCK." I screamed

"She's bleeding out, omg she's going to die." I heard carl say

"Come on you can take my car." Fiona practically shouted as carried me down the stairs, Ian and Mick were just stood there. Obviously in shock of what had just happened "Come on you two."

After 2 hours of them running loads of unnecessary tests on me, and me having to prove to carl i'm not pregnant, They finally had the results back.

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