Pinky Promise

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I woke up yet again in a hospital bed, it was becoming a weekly thing. I felt so bad for my parents hospital bills they have to pay

"Hi." i said weakly as i finally opened my eyes

"Hey baby." Rose replied "I'm sorry i haven't been here, i was in prision."

"Shit." I whispered to weak to talk, she nodded as she held my hand

"I'm so sorry Brooke." She kissed my forehead "I'm sorry for everything."

"It's okay, i'm ready to go." I stroked her face

"I'm not ready to let you go." Tears started to stream down her face.

I held her face tight, unable to move the rest of my body. Wires and cables were attached to me everywhere, the noise of the machines was really pissing me off but i knew that it was the only thing keeping me alive

"Okay listen, if i go uncouncious i don't want anyone to ressutiate me." I told my parents "I'm in so much pain."

"Okay baby, but only if your sure." Ian replied sitting next to me

"It's all over my body now isn't it?" I croaked

"Yeah it is." Mickey replied looking down that the floor "We really do love you Brooke."

"I know but i'm ready to go now, i'm only holding onto this earth to say my goodbyes."

"The Gallaghers and Mandy are coming over later." Ian said as he kissed my forehead "We can say a proper goodbye, the gallagher way."

"Okay, i'm going to go to sleep." I said turning over and staring at the wall, my parents did the same obviously not getting much sleep at all.

I woke up to all of my family gathering around my bed, there was cake, banners and even alcohol which i had no idea how they got that in here.

"Hey Brooke." Carl shouted

I waved at him weakly unable to talk.

"So we have cake, which we know you can't eat but it's the thought that counts." Fiona said

"Yeah sorry about that, i brought it not knowing." Mandy laughed "Oh yeah me and Rose decorated it."

The two girls both high fived eachother as the laughed. I loved this side of the Gallaghers, I really love this family

"Thank you." Was all the words i managed to get out

"Hey Brooke, we all love you okay." Debbie told me and i nodded "And it's okay, when your ready you can go."

"Whenever that may be." Ian added "Why don't we all tell Brooke about why we love her? Is that okay with you Brooke?"

I nodded

"I will go first." Mickey said "I thought i would always be a shitty dad, but when Ian convinced me to take you home from my uncle i was so scared. I thought i was going to fuck it up like my dad did. But you have honesly made me a better person, i'm going to miss your little face around, hugging me every moring." He kissed my cheek "I love you so so much Gallagher and i always will."

"Brooke, when i first met you i knew you would forever be my bestfriend. When you first arrived you got me so drunk we ended up repainting the whole bathroom toghether, just to throw up in it a few minutes later. Even at the wedding you was there for me when nobody else was and i love you so much." Carl started to cry, i blew him a kiss to let him know it was all right

"Okay so i know Brooke, i've been very shitty to you but you have helped me with Franny so much and listened to all my girlfriend drama that i ever had. Even if we did argue a lot i really did love ya, i promise." Debbie told me, holding my hand

"So when Mickey and Ian first brought you home i went mental. I didn't want another Gallaghers mouth to feed it look after but god did you prove me wrong. You are so so special to me, and you help all around the house. I'm going to miss you just like everyone else will." Fiona said as her head rested on lips shoulder

"So Brooke, i can't lie i haven't known you that long. I've been at collage a lot and everything but your the person that got me into that collage. You helped me do all my applications and forms that i really couldn't do. You sat up with me all night helping me with everything, i'm going to miss you kiddo." Lip kissed me

"Ah fuck i'm already crying, Brooklyn-Rose Gallagher you are forever my little girl and i love you so much. I knew from that one night i saw you by yourself, i knew that i needed you in my life. No matter how long the whole adoption process was i didn't stop, because i knew you was perfect for me. Jesus Christ i'm going to miss you so much, you don't even understand. Even when your nagging mr to buy you something. I love you and i hope you sleep tight, whilst waiting for me to meet you." Ian cried as Mickey held him tight

"I'm so sorry i left you whilst i was in prison, i honestly didn't mean to. As soon as i got out your dad picked me up and took me straight here, i have never been more grateful for Mick. Even though we didn't get long togheter i know that you was the girl i wanted to marry all along and someday i hope i do. I love you Brooklyn so so much."

"You know Brooke actually made the head teacher let me into the private school. She stuck up for me and told them they was idiots for not letting me join because i was black which made them offer me a place. I am so greatful for you Brooke, thank you for everything." Liam said holding my hand

"Gosh it's alot of pressure being the last one to say goodbye, i shouldn't of moved away from you. And i should of saved you from my uncle years ago but then you wouldn't of ended up with these dick heads i suppose. Even when we was kids you helped me so so much. I love you so much brooke, it's your time to go. We will all meet you up there." Mandy said inbetween all of sobs

"I pinky promise goodbyes aren't forever, i love you all so much. I need to let go, i'm to weak." I gasped inbetween each word i said "I've- i've wrote letters for you, there under my bed."

They all nodded as they sat down on the chairs next to me. This is when i took my last breath, knowing that i was loved by each and everyone of them. I just wished it would of lasted longer


And that's it we are finally done with this story, i am so sorry for the ending but it's what i had in mind the whole time. Thank you for reading it

once my other book is done i'm going to do a spin off for Mickey and Ian  from the first season to season 11 when they adopt Brooke.

I love you all 💜

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