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Summary: Bill and Y/n were best friends since kindergarten but sadly got broken up after Y/n had to move to America. The two grew apart and had both got careers in music by 17, though unknown of how famous the two both were they both meet again at a meet and greet. The two became friends unknowing that they already knew each other.

@Bella9501806 - their idea so thanks to them <33 ENJOYYY!




"hello? earth to y/n!" Tyler says waving in my face and laughing with the band. We were currently back in Germany, where I was born and lived until I was 13. "Sorry guys-" I say listening to Celia's joke and laughing along. Our band, Starlings. Had become famous 4 years ago when I was 17. Ever since then its been tour bus's and planes and concerts. The band was just me and 3 others. Tyler, the rhythm guitarist. Celia, the drummer. Liam, the bass guitarist. And me, the lead singer. Tyler could sing as well, not as good as me though. He sang in a few songs. I get up from the sofa and walk to my closet shutting the door and getting dressed for the meet and greet. I wore a low waisted jeans with rips and a tight shirt that had our band name on it. The other 3 were already dressed and ready. My hair was good and my makeup already done, I always got dressed last minute. What I'm known for, oh! and getting drunk as hell. 

The tour bus pulls up behind the big building and we walk to the guard who lets us in to the back door leading to dressing rooms and booths for all the bands at this meet and greet. There were some bands I haven't heard of, oh, but one. Tokio Hotel. Apparently there is twins in there and two other guys. Only guys, that sucks. It'd be nice to have friends I know aren't for the fame, like Celia. We all walked up to our two tables, Celia and Liam sat at one and me and Tyler at the other. We got merch ready to give to some fans and our pens for signing. Immediately fans rushed in and got in line for the bands. We had about 20 at the start but it only got bigger.

A guy came up to me, it a emo outfit all blank with tight jeans and spiky hair, long. "Hey." I say smiling and signing a photo of me. "Big fan." he smirks at me looking me up and down. I chuckle and wave goodbye as he walks off. More fans rush to me and hand shirts, posters, photos, someone even gave me a pair of lingerie. Tyler looked at me weirdly and laughed pointing to his pile of girls lingerie. "You're a thirst trap, I guess." I laugh with him and continue signing for fans. After nearly 5 hours it came to our last few fans. I had 3 shirts and 2 posters to give for free. I look up at the fan, she was really pretty and had amazing style. "For you!" I say giving her a free shirt and signing it. "OMG. THANK YOU SOO MUCH Y/N!!" she screams so the whole entire building could hear.

I laugh and smile for a picture then continue giving fans more merch. It came to the last one, it was the same boy from earlier, the emo one. "Why do you keep coming?" I say raising my eyebrow. "Well- that's my booth over there. I was hoping you'd visit." he says pointing to Tokio Hotel's table with three cute guys sitting there. "No way- you're in Tokio Hotel?" I ask. "That's right, pretty girl." he smirks. I blush. "Are you Tom..?" I ask examining his beautiful features. "No that's my twin." he chuckles.  "Ohh." I say biting my lip, which seemed to catch Tyler's attention. "Y/n, lets go now." he says tugging on my arm. "Go without me. Ill be fine." I say not even turning to him. "Y/n-" he mutters. "Stop!" I say pushing him off. Tyler just walks to the dressing rooms behind the wall and I look at Bill. He chuckles and grabs my waist. "You look familiar." he whispers kissing my cheek. "Well I'm kinda famous so-" I laugh. "No, like I've met you before." he says examining my face and staring at my lips. "Well- Can I meet your band?" I ask him as he brings me over to their tables.

"Guys, this is Y/n." Bill says introducing me. "Is this another fan, bill-" Tom says getting annoyed. "oh- no, I'm in that band, Starlings." I say pointing to my tables. "Oh- you're hot." he says getting up and putting his hands on my waist. "Tom she's mine." I hear Bill whisper. Tom rolls his eyes and sits back down. The two other guys introduce themselves. Georg and Gustav were funny, they were telling me jokes whilst Tom and Bill were fighting over something.



"Stop this Tom! You did it last time!" I say annoyed, I didn't want Y/n getting hurt by him, he's a cheater. Also, I like her, a lot. "Shut up, Bill! She clearly likes me." Tom says shoving me off him. "She couldn't even take her eyes off me man." I say walking off to get water, annoyed with him. We got along mostly but when it came to girls we both liked it got serious. Last time he beat my ass hard. The bruise lasted at least 2 weeks. I just wish he would stop trying to seduce girls I like. 



I walk back out to tables and lead Y/n to our dressing rooms which had a nice sofa and tv. "Hey! No fair, your guy's dressing room is so much fancier. I chuckle and grab her waist. "Don't be jealous, cupcake." I say leaning to kiss her. She shoves me and steps back. "S-sorry, I like Bill.." Y/n says which made me even madder. To make matters worse, he was right. She liked him. God i'm stupid-



"You do?" Bill says from behind me. I turn shocked, almost frozen. "Uhh- well-"


HEHEHEHE CLIFF HANGER >:)) who wants more? ------->

word count not working rn idk why ill update this later :)

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